2020SCOTUS Interruptus: Fill the Seat!

(Chuck Muth) – Before getting to what Republicans should do about filling that now vacant Supreme Court seat, a little instructive history… In 2015, Nevada Republicans controlled the governor’s office and both houses of the Legislature. One of the few things they did right that session was to approve a universal school voucher program called […]


Best…CLC…EVER!  Let’s get right to the 2017 Conservative Leadership Conference wrap-up… Hoo-wee!  Was that ever a weekend!  I checked out of the hotel yesterday morning, packed up our stuff from the “green room,” went home, and took THREE naps.  Talk about exhausted. Yes, Sheriff Joe Arpaio flew into Las Vegas Saturday afternoon and delivered later in the evening his first public speech […]

Muth’s Truths: June 12, 2017

5 Most Important Things We Learned from Comeypalooza President Donald Trump is not and was not under investigation over this fake news story about Russian collusion in the 2016 campaign. President Trump did not obstruct justice. Former FBI Direct James Comey admitted to being one of the biggest “leakers” in all of Washington, DC. Former […]

Muth’s Truths: June 13, 2017

Understanding Trump: Newt Gets It (Chuck Muth) – There’s an old saying in the marketing biz: “For those who get it, no explanation is necessary.  For those who don’t, no explanation is possible.” Yesterday I received a copy of my friend Newt Gingrich’s new book, “Understanding Trump.” Newt gets it. The forward was authored by […]

Muth’s Truths: June 8, 2017

The Right Way to Deal with Lawsuit Abuse isn’t in Congress With a Republican-sponsored bill (HR 1215) titled “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017” you’d think we were talking about repealing and replacing ObamaCare, right? Wrong. As is the case with so many deceptively-named bills sponsored by both parties – as well as socialist […]

Muth’s Truths: June 5, 2017

Pittsburgh Not Paris Rally: You Can Do It Too (CHQ Staff) – The “Pittsburgh Not Paris” rally, organized at the last minute by the Fairfax County Republican Committee and the Republican Party of Virginia, brought several hundred supporters of President Trump to Lafayette Park near the White House. The rally was dubbed “Pittsburgh, not Paris” […]

Muth’s Truths: June 4, 2017

That so-called “apology” by Kathy Griffin for the photo of her holding up a replica of President Donald Trump’s bloody, severed head was as phony as those fake tears of former President Bill Clinton at Ron Brown’s funeral. And her pretense of being shocked by the outraged negative response to her stunt is just pure, […]

Muth’s Truths: June 3, 2017

Did you see that pathetic Kathy Griffin press conference yesterday?  An Academy Award-winning performance sure to be heralded by Hollywood’s limousine liberals.  But for the rest of us in flyover country, what a CRYBABY! Break out the world’s tiniest violin.  As the late comedian Robin Williams once said, Joan of Arc did less whining on the stake. […]

Muth’s Truths: June 2, 2017

100 Most Influential Libertarians: A Newsmax/FreedomFest List (NewsMax) – Being libertarian is trendy right now, so much so that many actors, activists, politicians, media personalities, financial gurus, professors, scientists, and authors call themselves libertarians, even when they don’t really qualify philosophically and fundamentally. To compile this list, our editors defined a libertarian as a consistent […]

Muth’s Truths: June 1, 2017

So Kathy Griffin – the vulgar, no-talent “comedienne” who thought it was just hilarious to be photographed holding a replica bloodied severed head of President Donald Trump – has been fired as hostess of a New Year’s Eve program I’ve never watched. Griffin – like any other criminal AFTER getting caught – apologized yesterday. An apology […]

Muth’s Truths: May 31, 2017

Tell CNN Kathy Griffin Has To Be Fired (George Rasley, CHQ Editor) – Alleged comedian Kathy Griffin, best known for her often vulgar jokes about her life on the “D list,” finally took Hollywood’s Trump derangement far enough over the line that normal Americans, especially normal American business advertisers said enough is enough. Griffin’s choice […]

Muth’s Truths: May 24, 2017

Two shorties today… 1.)  I’ve tired of reading all the “thoughts and prayers” messages from folks AFTER a terrorist attack.  When are we going to accept that we’re in a life-and-death war with these radical Islamic barbarians and do something serious BEFORE they murder and maim innocent victims, including blowing up little teenage girls attending a pop […]

Muth’s Truths: May 23, 2017

I’ve always enjoyed actor Morgan Freeman’s performances in movies, especially in Clint Eastwood’s “Unforgiven” and playing God in “Bruce Almighty” with Jim Carey. But never have I enjoyed one of his performances as much as his recent interview with CNN’s race-baiting host Don Lemon. Lemon is a chief proponent in the “victim card” movement continually […]

Muth’s Truths: May 19, 2017

Did Gov. Sandoval Order the “Code Red” on Adam Laxalt? The Democrats’ Grand Inquisition of Nevada Attorney General, and likely GOP gubernatorial candidate, Adam Laxalt over “The Burnett Tape” nevertheless revealed some interesting information – at least as it pertains to how the existence of the recordings got leaked in the first place. As you’ll […]

Muth’s Truths: May 16, 2017

In case you missed it, ABC recently cancelled Tim Allen’s “Last Man Standing” show after completing its sixth season.  But why? After all, it was the second highest-rated show on the entire network, pulling in over 8 million viewers this season, with only “Modern Family” beating it in the ratings. So if it wasn’t the […]

Muth’s Truths: May 15, 2017

Other than Donald Trump himself, Roger Stone “is the person…who deserves the most credit for the Trump presidency,” declares Morgan Pehme, director of a new documentary airing on Netflix titled “Get Me Roger Stone.” Indeed, as the documentary demonstrates, the controversial libertarian-leaning political consultant described by Adam Smith of the Tampa Bay Times as “one […]

Muth’s Truths: Mother’s Day 2017

First, Happy Mother’s Day! Secondly, we’re back from our annual Citizen Outreach Baja Cruise. And yes, a good time was had by all – even though the weather, while not terrible, was less than ideal this year.  Partly cloudy each day and occasionally chilly. But no rain! And it certainly didn’t stop me from enjoying […]