Muth’s Truths: June 2, 2017

100 Most Influential Libertarians: A Newsmax/FreedomFest List

(NewsMax) – Being libertarian is trendy right now, so much so that many actors, activists, politicians, media personalities, financial gurus, professors, scientists, and authors call themselves libertarians, even when they don’t really qualify philosophically and fundamentally.

To compile this list, our editors defined a libertarian as a consistent advocate of free-market capitalism, minimal government, and social tolerance (thus distinguishing libertarians from conservatives). Their motto might be “Keep government out of the boardroom and the bedroom.”

Our first effort to rank the 100 most influential libertarians came from a recent survey of libertarians carried out by FreedomFest, “the world’s largest gathering of free minds.”

FreedomFest is planning to take a photograph of the most influential libertarians on Friday, July 21, at the Paris Resort in Las Vegas, as part of its 10th anniversary celebration (July 19-22). FreedomFest is the annual gathering of libertarians from around the world. You won’t want to miss this historic event.


Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs

P.S.  Overheard conversation…

Tiger Woods: “Nobody could screw up their career like I did this weekend.”

Kathy Griffin:  “Hold my beer…”

(Hat tip: Scott Muth, my bro’)



“You have to be tough as nails and willing to kick ass if you want to win.  Most people are not cut out for this.  You have to deal with a tremendous amount of pressure.  You have to think large and be creative to solve big problems that scare the crap out of most people.

“People are going to try to steal from you and destroy you just for the fun of it.  You have to stand up to them, fight back and kick their ass.  Nobody is going to hold your hand and help you along. You are on your own.  You have to be able to bend but never break.” – Donald Trump, “Think Big and Kick Ass” (2007)


Chrystal Balling Conservative Opportunities in 2018 Nevada Legislative Races

(Chuck Muth) – As the smoke begins to clear from the disaster that was the 2017 Nevada Legislature under Democrat rule, let’s avoid the Christmas rush and take an early look at the upcoming 2018 election cycle.

First, Republicans have virtually zero chance to regain control of the State Senate.  And conservatives face similar long odds against gaining control of the Senate GOP caucus.  So let’s just move on…

Republicans in the State Assembly are also destined to remain in the minority.  However, there’s an opportunity for conservatives to oust the current RINO (Republican in Name Only) leadership of their caucus.

The current caucus membership consists of eight wishy-washy Republicans loyal to Minority Leader Paul Anderson who deserve primary challenges and seven conservatives.  Of the “Anderson Eight,” four voted for the largest tax hike in state history in the 2015 session…

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* I have it on good authority that veteran campaign strategist and all-around provocateur Roger Stone (who will be speaking at our Conservative Leadership Conference in Vegas in September) has been communicating with brothel owner Dennis Hof in recent weeks on the notion of Hof running for governor next year instead of state assembly.


“In the wake of the horrific terror attack in Manchester, England, Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer says it’s time to strike fear into the heart of ISIS.  On ‘Fox & Friends,’ Meyer said we must ‘release the gates of hell’ on the terrorist group and make the fight so ugly that it hurts their ability to recruit new militants. . . . He said you simply can’t negotiate with radical Islamic terrorists, and there’s only one way to rid the world of this type of evil. ‘That’s by killing them,’ Meyer said.” – FOX News Insider


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