Muth’s Truths: June 8, 2017

The Right Way to Deal with Lawsuit Abuse isn’t in Congress

With a Republican-sponsored bill (HR 1215) titled “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017” you’d think we were talking about repealing and replacing ObamaCare, right?


As is the case with so many deceptively-named bills sponsored by both parties – as well as socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders – this bill isn’t about health care reform.  It’s about tort reform – “tort” being the technical term for what you and I call “lawsuits.”

The official description of HR 1215 states…

“This bill establishes provisions governing health care lawsuits where coverage for the care was provided or subsidized by the federal government, including through a subsidy or tax benefit.”

Now don’t get me wrong.  Tort reform is a good idea.  Indeed, conservatives have been supportive of efforts to reign in medical lawsuit abuse for years. But there’s a “right” way and a wrong way to address this issue.  And the right way in this case is the constitutional way.  Specifically, the 10th Amendment way…

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Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs



Surrender Monkey Republicans Did What They Do Best on ESAs

“We’ve heard from thousands of Nevada families about how crucial it is that we give them freedom of choice in the education of their children,” Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval declared last January in his State of the State speech regarding funding for the Nevada’s landmark Education Savings Accounts (ESA).

And throughout the 2017 legislative session Sandoval insisted he was “100 percent” committed to the historic new school choice program, even though the funding he requested was less than half of what was needed to provide ESAs to the more than 8,000 Nevada families that had already signed up for them.

But when push came to shove, Sandoval’s promises were as empty as his promises not to raise taxes.  Democrats pushed through a budget without ESAs and Sandoval signed it, cementing his legacy as a “surrender monkey” on the most innovative school choice program in the nation.

But legislative Republicans share the blame…

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