Shameless Stunt: Nevada Dems Pack a Little Socialism in Lunch Boxes

(Chuck Muth) – Washoe County Democrats are using kids as human shields again. They’re trying to get super-majorities in both house of the Legislature this November by slamming Gov. Lombardo for vetoing at Dem bill to give “free” school lunches to every student in Nevada, even the students from wealthy families. They’re latest stunt was […]

Las Vegas Chamber, NFIB Shiv Gov. Lombardo

* Some in Nevada’s business community have a death wish. * If Democrats get a super-majority in both the State Senate and State Assembly, Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo will essentially become a lame duck. * Which means Democrats will be free to override any and all of his vetoes and they’ll have the 2/3 majority […]

Lombardo Announces Additional Key Candidate Endorsements

On Wednesday, Nevada Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo announced a number of new endorsements in state legislative races as he ramps up efforts to deny Democrats super-majorities in both houses of the Legislature. The governor has added three additional endorsements of Republican candidates challenging Democrat incumbents in the State Assembly: Kelly Chapman (District 8-Clark), Erica Neely […]

Your Challenge: Name That Campaign!

(Chuck Muth) – I get emails all the time from armchair campaign consultants saying this candidate should do this and that candidate should do that.  Well, here’s a test… I watched a video over the weekend of a presentation given by a presidential campaign strategist. The strategist’s candidate is a former president who many people […]

This is Wild: Yes, I’m a Native American!

(Chuck Muth) – It still amazes me what gets people really worked up on Twitter/X – including Twitter/X.  Case in point… Yesterday, author/columnist Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) tweeted… “We need to reclaim the word ‘native.’ The idea that a white man in America isn’t native to his own country even if his family has lived here […]

Meet Erica Neely: Steve Yeager’s Worst Nightmare

(Chuck Muth) – Before getting to the meat of this column, let’s hop in the Wayback Machine and whet your appetite by reprinting this Las Vegas Sun headline from November 6, 2012… “Speaker-in-waiting loses re-election bid to political newcomer.” The Speaker-in-waiting was Democrat Assemblyman Marcus Conklin.  The political newcomer was Republican Wes Duncan.  And Conklin […]

Why “Fake News” Outlets Use “Undocumented” Instead of “Illegal”

(Chuck Muth) – For those wondering why so many news stories across the spectrum use the term “undocumented immigrant” instead of the more-accurate “illegal immigrant,” you can blame the Associated Press. A reporter I regularly communicate with sent me the following guidelines issued by AP which most reporters rely on when writing their articles… * […]

Major League Meltdown: Follow-Up on “None Dare Call Him A.Ron”

(Chuck Muth) – I’m not known as Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals for nuthin’. Two weeks ago I wrote about how Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford got his tighty-whities in a twist over me spelling his name phonetically the way he corrects people into pronouncing it. A.Ron. By the way, I checked and I’ve been […]

Nevada GOP’s “Stolen Valor” Claim on Voter File Clean-Up

(Chuck Muth) – Ronald Reagan once famously said, “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” Yesterday it was announced that the Clark County Registrar of Voters (ROV) had removed over 90,000 voters from its “active” voter rolls and changed […]

The Ralston Rag Publishes Bogus Tax Report on Illegal Immigrants

(Chuck Muth) – The following headline was trumpeted throughout Nevada social media this week: “Report: Undocumented immigrants in Nevada paid $500 million in taxes in 2022.” Now, the rest of the story… First, the article was written by a left-leaning columnist who “covers Latino political power in Nevada” for Jon Ralston’s left-leaning news blog and […]

Abortion Distortion: How Jacky Rosen is Giving Women the Shaft

(Chuck Muth) – Hearken back, dear reader, to November 19, 1971. That was the night the most iconic episode of the hit TV series “The Brady Bunch” aired; where little Jan Brady had a world-class meltdown after being sick of hearing about her older sibling. “All I hear all day long at school is how […]

The Left’s Dirty War Against Clean Voter Files

(Chuck Muth) – OK, this is a long one. But – HOO-BOY! – do we have a lot to cover today. At Freedom Fest last month, I participated in a panel discussion on election integrity and was asked if things were better now than they were in 2020.  I said yes…primarily because Republicans got caught […]

Muth’s Truths PLUS: July 31, 2024

* Sorry I haven’t been in your inbox as often as usual, but I hope you’ll forgive me. * We’re in a critical phase on the Pigpen Project to clean up the voter files in Nevada and it’s taken a lot of time to research and prepare everything. * And I’ve been spending a lot […]

Tackling Complex Election Laws: The Battle to Clean Up Nevada’s Voter Rolls

(Chuck Muth) – The good news is our Pigpen Project to clean up Nevada’s voter rolls recently garnered national attention. The bad news is the bad guys read the article, too.  And we expect national left-wing organizations such as Mark Elias’ “Democracy Docket” to try to shut us down. But we’re ready for them.  Everything […]

“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

(Chuck Muth) – Author and investigative journalist Mollie Hemingway should have won a Pulitzer for her 2021 book titled, “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.” In it, she meticulously detailed how the 2020 elections were rigged – not stolen, but rigged – against Donald Trump and Republicans. She exposed […]

None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

(Chuck Muth) – When I’m training candidates, I often refer to this bit of sage advice from the great Chinese general Sun Tzu in “The Art of War” military manual… “If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him.” Make no mistake, Democrat Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford is running against Republican Gov. […]

Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

* Ya know how people say, “I hate to say I told you so”?  Yeah, that’s not me.  I enjoy saying it. * And I told you the Nevada Republican Party and Republican National Committeewoman Sigal Chattah were going to try to “spin” the low turnout in last week’s primary elections as something to cheer. […]