OK, I’m Taking a “Cheat Day” from My Political Junk Food Fast

(Chuck Muth) – So far, I’ve been pretty good at ignoring the Keystone Kops operation over at the Nevada Republican Party during my “Political Lent” fast, which I originally set to expire the first week in February.

I mean, I didn’t even write about how some of the Nevada GOP’s top leaders are being investigated by the attorney general over actions they took following the 2020 election (which I broke several weeks ago in Muth’s Truths PLUS+ before the mainstream media caught up).

But recent developments mean I’d be doing you all a disservice by not weighing in.  So here goes…

First, leaders of the Nevada GOP have been telling people NOT to vote in the official Nevada presidential primary election on February 6 and only participate in the party’s separate “caucus” on February 8.

But here’s something many of you need to know about doing that…

Many of us take great pride in the fact that we’ve voted in every election – both primary and general – as a sign of true civic engagement.  And voting history records confirm our stellar citizenship.

But since the caucus is a rogue internal election conducted by the party, your participation in that activity will NOT be recorded in your official voting history.

On the other hand, failure to participate in the state-run primary WILL be recorded on your voting history.  So if you skip it, that will become part of your permanent voting record.

Now, here’s the problem…

With Mike Pence and Tim Scott dropping out of the race, though their names will still appear on ballots, the only viable Republican candidate who will be on the primary ballot is Nikki Haley.

So she’s going to win the primary even though she won’t get any convention delegates – unless “None of the Above” ends up coming in first.  Which is a real possibility.

Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Chris Christie, and Vivek Ramaswamy were banned from filing in the primary by the rules established by the Nevada GOP.  The party forced the candidates to pick one or the other even though there was absolutely no reason to prevent them from participating in both.

All of which led Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks to tweet a couple days ago…

“Clark County sent out a flyer telling voters to look for their NV Presidential Primary ballot soon.  Expect much fury from GOP voters when that ballot doesn’t contain Trump or @RonDeSantis.  That’s the fault of @NVGOP, not election officials, but most voters won’t realize that.”

He followed up with this…

“How many NV GOP voters will decide NV elections are rigged and be less likely to vote in November? I’d guess many.  In their rush to rig the process for Trump, @NVGOP officials made it harder for Trump to win Nevada in November 2024. How hard is it to think one move ahead?”

When it comes to the Nevada GOP, it’s not hard.  It’s impossible.

That said, the Nevada GOP responded to Joecks’ tweets thusly…

“Actually @VictorJoecks any confusion about the caucus is in the hands of the @NVDems that forced AB126 with zero Republican support. Presidential caucuses are the traditional way both parties have chosen their nominee for decades.”

Um, nice try.  But no.

First, while caucuses have, indeed, been used for a long time in the past, Nevada was one of only three states that still used a caucus instead of a primary.  So we were an outlier.

It’s like saying, “But we’ve always gone to church on Sunday in a horse-and-buggy.  We’re not going in this new-fangled ‘automobile’ thingy.”

Secondly, the primary was established in law in 2021 (AB126).  You don’t have to like it – I didn’t – but the Legislature passes a lot of laws we have to follow that I don’t agree with. As Joecks wrote in response…

“The @NVGOP opposed AB126. Fine. So did I. But you have to react to how things are, not how you wanted things to be. GOP voters are going to be confused, furious and less likely to turn out in Nov 2024, because of this NV GOP decision.”

Again, as noted earlier, the ONLY reason DeSantis, Trump, and the others who are participating in the party caucus won’t have their names on the primary ballot is because the Republican Party – NOT the Democrats or election officials – banned them from filing to have their names on the primary ballot.

The Nevada GOP could have allowed candidates to participate in BOTH, but only award convention delegates from the caucus. It chose not to because it’s widely known the party has been trying to rig the election in favor of Trump, which is why the primary ban was put in place.

That and the $55,000 shakedown the party charged campaigns to put their candidate’s name on the caucus ballot.

But let’s get back to the “confusion” thing…

In response to Joecks’ tweet, @47Cardiff – a self-described “millennial constitutionalist” who is all in for Trump – wrote back at Joecks…

“Trump not on a Republican primary ballot in Nevada?? No, sir. You’re mistaken.  @JosephMLombardo will call on the military after a million voicemails by morning. @NVSOS will be recalled by a super-majority. The Lawyer watch dogs will encircle every enabler.  Crazy talk VJ. NUTS.”

He followed up on his ignorance by demanding…

“Lot’s to unpack here, Victor. Is there a video confirming with evidence that @realDonaldTrump didn’t file and so won’t be listed on the Republican primary ballot?”


Now, this guy isn’t your average voter.  This is a guy who regularly pontificates about politics on Twitter and fancies himself a political Svengali who loves to share his “brilliance” on social media.

So if he can be so wrong and so off-the-wall about this fuster-cluck, imagine how less-informed voters are going to feel when they see their primary ballot without Trump or DeSantis being on it.

This is a public relations disaster just waiting to happen.

And with that, I’m going back to my “fast” from the Nevada GOP’s political junk food.  “Cheat Day” is over.

However, I’m shortening it ‘til the end of the holidays rather than extend it into February.  The Nevada GOP is putting out so much disinformation and misinformation that I just can’t bring myself to leave readers in the dark once the spit hits the spam in early January.


“Bill Cosby Joins Hamas So Feminists Will Stop Condemning Him For Rape.” – Babylon Bee

“Trump says everything he did in COVID was right…including elevating Fauci… Would you still do the same things? His answer to that question is yes. And to me, that is disqualifying, because this can never happen to our country ever again.” – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

“Name one thing Trump is campaigning on doing that he didn’t have an opportunity to do in his first term—and didn’t.  I’ll wait.” – Jenna Ellis

“As crooked as the Democrats are, at least they get things done. Mostly horrible things – open borders, child mutilation, exorbitant taxes, ballot fraud – but they know how to fight.  Republicans are just useless. Honestly they wouldn’t know what to do with power, if they had it.” – Actor James Woods

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of CampaignDoctor.com.  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at MuthsTruths.com.  His views are his own.


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