Democrats to Poor Students: Get Stuffed!
As you may or may not know, tucked into President Obama’s “spendulus” package was a provision killing a school voucher pilot program in Washington, DC.
Happy Grover Norquist Day!
“Last week, Bradley Whitford, who played White House Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman on the long-running NBC drama ‘The West Wing’ (1999-2006), was on Capitol Hill along with series star Martin Sheen to lobby for union-backed ‘card check’ legislation,” reports the Green & Glover Undercover column in today’s Washington Times. “In a jab at […]
Legislature Fiddles While Nevada Burns
We’re now halfway through this legislative session and bills which do not receive a committee hearing by this Friday will die. So let’s recap some of the important, critical, crucial, essential and important matters which have thus far received consideration by our esteemed elected officials in the Nevada Legislature.
Public School Pervert
OK, so there’s this 46-year-old public school teacher and soccer coach in Boulder City currently sitting behind bars facing 72 counts of child pornography.
In a Hole and Still Digging
A new legislative analysis says Nevada is more than $2 billion short of the revenue it needs to pay for the size and scope of the government we already have. But that’s not stopping some legislators from digging us in even deeper.
A Taxing Situation
Some guy named John Ritter of Focus Property Group piped up at a Carson City news conference yesterday claiming the Nevada business community would support a billion dollar tax hike. According to Ed Vogel of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Ritter is “one of 13 business leaders named by legislators to a group charged with proposing […]
Goober Candidates Talk Taxes
Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Montandon announced yesterday a petition drive in opposition to any plans to begin taxing services, such as haircuts and dry cleaning, in Nevada. He said it would be better to raise the sales tax. “Sales-based taxes on items,” the departing North Las Vegas mayor told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “is probably […]
Reverse Card-Check: Big Labor’s Rhyolite Express?
A good friend recently compared the fate of a Nevada ghost-town to organized labor’s Holy Grail, the obscenely misnamed Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). This piece of federal legislation, commonly referred to as “card-check,” would eliminate secret ballot elections in union organizing campaigns. Instead, union agitators would only need to coerce, threaten or intimidate a […]
I Wonder
“A Garrett Junior High School (Boulder City, NV) teacher and youth soccer coach was arrested Thursday on felony charges of possession of child pornography,” reports the Las Vegas Sun this morning. “Based on an anonymous tip, police picked up Charles Richard ‘Rick’ Rogers as he was about to leave school. . . . He is […]
A Man’s Home is His Castle
AB 288 is one of the few good bills requested in the Nevada Legislature this year. Known as the “Castle Doctrine,” the bill allows you shoot burglars, rapists, murderers and other such bad guys who break into your home. It’s probably the best piece of pro-Second Amendment legislation we’re likely to see this year.
Nukes Bad, Gummint Good, Taxes Better
AB 522 would grow the government we already can’t afford by creating a brand-spanking new Nevada Energy Commission which is expected to focus on the promotion of renewable energy…as long as it doesn’t include nuclear energy. Oh, and a new tax hike on any renewable, but not nuclear, energy which is generated in the state. […]
Say What? – Part Uno
Speaking about Senate Higher Taxation Committee Chairman Bob Coffin’s proposal to levy a $5 toll on Nevada’s ladies of the evening, Gov. Jim Gibbons said this week, “I’m not a supporter of legalizing prostitution in Nevada.” Huh? How is it that the “Luv Guv” doesn’t know that prostitution is ALREADY legal in most of Nevada’s […]
Say What? – Part Dos
Three weeks ago, Gov. Jim Gibbons put out a press release lambasting Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nevada) for criticizing Gibbons for his objections to taking some of the stimulus money for unemployment with all the federal strings attached.
Say What? – Part Tres
I’ve taken some heat from a few of the remaining supporters of Gov. Jim Gibbons for calling on him to resign a couple weeks ago. But yesterday we were treated with yet another example of how clueless and/or intellectually dishonest the man is, especially on this tax hike business.
Ground Control to Major Schneider
Sen. Mike Schneider (D-Pluto) is pretty much out of his mind.
Stimulating Bigger Government
For Nevada to take some of the Uncle Barack’s stimulus money, it will have to create some new unemployment benefits which the state will have to continue funding long after the stimulus money runs out. That strings attached to the money are why Gov. Jim Gibbons is thinking about rejecting this portion of the federal […]
Seeing Red
It will be billed as a “safety” measure, but make no mistake, AB 504 is nothing more than a gigantic Big Brother tax hike.