Yet Another “Extremist”

Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio (R-Reno) has taken to calling people who take a hard line against tax hikes “extremists.”

By definition that includes Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Sharron Angle, his primary opponent last summer; Sen. John Ensign, Rep. Dean Heller, Nevada GOP Chairman Sue Lowden, the entire Nevada GOP executive board, all 17 of Nevada’s Republican county chairmen, all but six members of the California Legislature, 221 out of 224 Republican members of Congress…and, of course, me.

Although when my name comes up, I imagine “extremist” is accompanied by a few four-letter words as well.

Anyway, another “extremist” popped his head up Tuesday night. Bobby Jindal – Republican governor of Louisiana and highly touted 2012 GOP presidential nominee possibility – gave the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s “State of My One-Month-Old Presidency Address.” In in Gov. Jindal’s remarks, the man who could possibly be the next Republican President of the United States said…get this…

“The way to lead is not to raise taxes.”

Let me repeat that…

“The way to lead is not to raise taxes.”

Repeat after me…

“The way to lead is not to raise taxes.”

Nevada Republican Senate Minority “Leader” Bill Raggio and Nevada Republican Assembly Minority “Leader” Heidi Gansert ought to seriously consider Gov. Jindal’s admonition. Republicans who are opposed to tax hikes aren’t “extreme” – they’re mainstream. It’s the tax hikers who are out-of-step.


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