Cobbling Together a Common Sense Bill

I know it’s like shooting fish-sticks in the freezer, but let’s take a look at yet another example of major league Democrat hypocrisy in Carson City.

In the Interest of Full Disclosure

Jon Ralston’s column this morning is on an issue which is important, though not very sexy. It’s on Nevada’s ridiculously flawed campaign finance reporting requirements.

The Right Angle Against Reid

As political pundit Jon Ralston revealed today, former GOP assemblywoman and conservative tigress (not to be confused with an enraged ferret in a phone booth, if you know what I mean and I think you do) Sharron Angle has formed an exploratory committee and has begun to raise money for a possible challenge to Harry […]

Greedy Bastards

Despite the fact that private-sector workers by the tanker-load are losing their jobs or taking substantial pay and benefit cuts while business after business goes under, government employees in North Las Vegas this week refused to forgo their scheduled 4 percent cost-of-living increase for one year to help the city out of its financial difficulties.

Permit? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Permit

“Freedom of assembly,” explains Wikipedia, “is the individual right to come together with other individuals and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests.” In addition, notes the online encyclopedia, “The right to petition the government is the freedom of individuals to petition their government for a correction or repair of some form of injustice […]

Dream On, RINO Bob

Reno Mayor Bob Cashell says he’s still mulling a GOP gubernatorial primary bid next year. Talk about dreaming the impossible dream. The fact that Cashell is hosting a huge fundraising event for Democrat Harry Reid in Reno next Tuesday evening and loves tax hikes/big government almost as much as Reid himself means Cashell has about […]

Stupid Bill of the Day

Nevada’s economic news today continues to be grim…and getting grimmer. Tourism is down, gaming revenue is down, tax revenue is down. And what is our Legislature doing about it today?

Gay Marriage Here to Stay

“Vermont became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage, following Massachusetts, Connecticut and Iowa,” reported the Wall Street Journal yesterday. “The state legislature voted Tuesday to override Gov. Jim Douglas’s veto of a bill allowing gays and lesbians to marry.”

It’s Jimmy Carter All Over Again

Over the weekend President Barack Obama called on the U.S. to lead the way in nuclear disarmament – on the same day North Korea shot a missile over Japan while continuing its quest for nuclear weapons.

Happy Grover Norquist Day!

“Last week, Bradley Whitford, who played White House Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman on the long-running NBC drama ‘The West Wing’ (1999-2006), was on Capitol Hill along with series star Martin Sheen to lobby for union-backed ‘card check’ legislation,” reports the Green & Glover Undercover column in today’s Washington Times. “In a jab at […]

Legislature Fiddles While Nevada Burns

We’re now halfway through this legislative session and bills which do not receive a committee hearing by this Friday will die. So let’s recap some of the important, critical, crucial, essential and important matters which have thus far received consideration by our esteemed elected officials in the Nevada Legislature.

Public School Pervert

OK, so there’s this 46-year-old public school teacher and soccer coach in Boulder City currently sitting behind bars facing 72 counts of child pornography.

In a Hole and Still Digging

A new legislative analysis says Nevada is more than $2 billion short of the revenue it needs to pay for the size and scope of the government we already have. But that’s not stopping some legislators from digging us in even deeper.

A Taxing Situation

Some guy named John Ritter of Focus Property Group piped up at a Carson City news conference yesterday claiming the Nevada business community would support a billion dollar tax hike. According to Ed Vogel of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Ritter is “one of 13 business leaders named by legislators to a group charged with proposing […]

Goober Candidates Talk Taxes

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Montandon announced yesterday a petition drive in opposition to any plans to begin taxing services, such as haircuts and dry cleaning, in Nevada. He said it would be better to raise the sales tax. “Sales-based taxes on items,” the departing North Las Vegas mayor told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “is probably […]