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Chuck Muth
  • Sen. Horsford: Conflicts Up the Wazoo

    At the big Barack Obama and the Hollywood All-Stars fundraiser for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at Caesars Palace last night,...

    Chuck MuthMay 27, 2009
  • SB 283: To Override of Sustain the Veto?

    The following letter was sent this morning to each member of the Nevada Legislature…

    Chuck MuthMay 26, 2009
  • Gen. RINO

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says he’s a good Republican; every bit as good as Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh....

    Chuck MuthMay 25, 2009
  • Don’t Read Their Lips

    “(Republican Senate Minority Leader Bill) Raggio didn’t merely consider raising taxes,” wrote Glenn Cook of the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Sunday,...

    Chuck MuthMay 25, 2009
  • Tax Pledge and Tax Sunsets

    Since most of the tax hikes passed by the 2009 Legislature will expire after two years – and the federal stimulus...

    Chuck MuthMay 25, 2009
  • The Craven, Disingenuous Republican Caucus

    “For those who believe no tax increases were necessary and a billion dollars in cuts would have been preferable,” wrote Las...

    Chuck MuthMay 24, 2009
  • And the Lord Said, Let There Be Tax Hikes

    On Friday, the Nevada Legislature passed a cumulative billion dollar-plus tax hike on Nevada’s citizens, car owners, businesses and tourists. Senate...

    Chuck MuthMay 24, 2009
  • Stopping At Nothing

    So obsessed were Democrats on passing their billion dollar tax hike in time to override Gov. Gibbons’ promised veto that Speaker...

    Chuck MuthMay 24, 2009
  • Promise Breakers

    Of the six GOP state legislators who voted for the tax hike yesterday, four have consistently refused to sign the Taxpayer...

    Chuck MuthMay 24, 2009
  • About Those Secret “Core Group” Meetings

    The “core group” of “elite” legislators who began meeting privately to discuss the budget all the way back in January have...

    Chuck MuthMay 24, 2009
  • Keep Veto Override Hope Alive

    On Friday, the Senate voted for the final leg of the billion dollar Raggio Tax Hike, 17-4, including five of the...

    Chuck MuthMay 24, 2009
  • Republicans Who Spend Too Much

    AB 562 was approved in the Assembly on Thursday by a vote of 34-7. The bill increases government spending by about...

    Chuck MuthMay 22, 2009
  • Nanny-Staters Use Cancer Victims

    Earlier this session, the Legislature considered a bill which would make wearing a seat belt a “primary” offense. Janine Hansen of...

    Chuck MuthMay 22, 2009
  • How Low Will They Go to Raise Taxes?

    Threats, intimidation, secrecy, dead of night legislating, and changing the rules in the middle of the game. These are the lengths...

    Chuck MuthMay 21, 2009
  • About That Wynn Lawsuit

    As I was walking out the door to drive up to Carson City from Las Vegas yesterday morning, I received a...

    Chuck MuthMay 20, 2009
  • Carson City, Here We Come

    I’m driving to Carson City today so I can watch first-hand as certain Republicans vote for the Democrats’ billion dollar tax...

    Chuck MuthMay 19, 2009
  • Stop the Billion Dollar Tax Hike

    The following automated phone recording is going out to thousands of Washoe County and Carson City citizens this morning…

    Chuck MuthMay 19, 2009


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

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