The “core group” of “elite” legislators who began meeting privately to discuss the budget all the way back in January have regularly claimed that there was no discussion of tax hikes in those secret meetings.
Really? Consider these comments from Sen. Bill Raggio, a key member of the “elite core group,” in his floor speech about the $781 million leg of the billion dollar tax hike, as reported on Friday by columnist Jon Ralston:
“I personally have indicated from the day we began this process that I would be supportive of a tax plan if it had certain components. It had to apply existing taxes, not any new taxes…limit of $390 million a year….fund what we termed essential services budget…..on personal note….not only would have to be on existing taxes but that these taxes would have to be temporary……made a firm commitment….particularly to the constituencies that I represent would sunset at the end of this biennium… condition of my support.”
“From the day we began”? I thought there weren’t any secret discussions by the “core group” about tax hikes over the last four months? Seems like some people weren’t telling Nevada’s citizens the truth.