Mini-Muth’s Truths – April 6, 2010

• Kicking off a rural tour from his childhood home in Searchlight on Monday, Sen. Harry Reid said, “If Obama fails, our country fails.” Not. If Obama SUCCEEDS, our country fails. That’s why Reid and Obama must be defeated.

Mini-Muth’s Truths: April 5, 2010

In addition to joining us for Citizen Outreach’s monthly First Friday Happy Hour last Friday, former Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth, now running in a GOP primary against Sen. John McCain-Feingold, stopped by for an interview with our friend Jon Ralston on “Face to Face.”

The Hunt for a New Nevada GOP Chief

(Chuck Muth) – With the resignation of Chris Comfort as chairman of the Nevada Republican Party – or as he “rebranded” it, the Republican Party of Nevada (brilliant!) – the GOP needs to find and elect a new chief at its May 15th meeting in Reno. Who will be the sacrificial lamb?

Muth’s Truths: April 3, 2010

Biggest….crowd….ever. Last night’s First Friday Happy Hour at Stoney’s featuring J.D. Hayworth, the conservative former congressman running against John McCain-Feingold in Arizona, easily shattered all FF attendance records, perhaps as many as 500 people. And I suspect next month’s crowd will be even bigger….as we have tentatively schedule not one, but two conservative mega-stars. Who […]

Memo to Nevada Republicans: Forget Voter Registration

The Nevada Secretary of State’s office released voter registration numbers yesterday which show Democrats continuing to enjoy a 64,000-voter lead. Republicans shouldn’t sweat it. In fact, the smart thing would be to ignore it….for now.

Muth’s Truths: April 2, 2010

The Nevada Republican Party has scheduled a special meeting for Saturday, May 15, 2010 to elect a new chairman. The meeting will be held at the Siena Hotel in Reno.

Muth’s Truths: March 31, 2010

Captain DisComfort made it official yesterday, finally announcing that he was stepping down as chairman of the Nevada GOP “due to business and family reasons.” Just as predicted. The real reason, of course, is that the guy was good at only one thing: blowing smoke up everyone’s skirt. And it finally caught up to him […]

Muth’s Truths: March 30, 2010

• About ten to fifteen years ago, the word “liberal” was almost like a curse, so the Left made a concerted effort to eliminate using the word in politics and campaigns. Instead, they renamed themselves “progressives.” It’s rare today to meet a Democrat politician who will admit to being a liberal even if they’re as […]

Probably Wasn’t a Good Idea to Drag Me Into this One

Here’s what Tea Party of Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Scott Ashjian sent to “Face to Face” host Jon Ralston this afternoon in response to those Tea Party Express television ads calling Ashjian a “fake” and telling him to “get lost.”

Scott Ashjian, Tea Party Crasher

Outsiders who aren’t part of the tea party movement can’t seem to understand why most tea party activists are so opposed to the formation of the Tea Party of Nevada (TPN) party in Nevada – and especially the candidacy of this poseur Scott Ashjian, TPN’s pretty-boy candidate for U.S. Senate.

The Further Misadventures of “Chemtrail” Jeff

There are hard-core Ron Paul supporters who will never get over the 2008 Nevada Republican convention. In their made-up minds, then-GOP Chairman Sue Lowden was the bad guy and nothing will ever convince them otherwise. But as we all know, there are always two sides to every story. The other side of the story is […]

Chris Comfort is a Boob

I’ve been advised that Chris Comfort, the Greatest Nevada Republican Party Chairman of All Time (in his own mind) sent a memo to the Republican National Committee (RNC) after he was elected listing a number of people he told them they were not to contact. I’m also told that list included yours truly. I’ll have […]

If It Walks Like a Socialist and Talks Like a Socialist…

FOX News yakker Bill O’Reilly says Barack Obama isn’t a socialist. He notes in a recent op/ed that the American Heritage Dictionary defines socialism as a social organization in which the means of distributing and producing goods is owned collectively. “As long as he isn’t nationalizing industry or purloining private property,” O’Reilly wrote, “I don’t […]

Muth’s Truths: February 22, 2010

The darling of the conservative right these days is supposed to be Sarah Palin. But Palin stiff-armed this year’s CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), declining an invitation to speak after initially agreeing (probably because CPAC doesn’t pay its speakers). Kinda like declining to finish a term in office as governor after initially running for and […]

Muth’s Truths: February 20, 2010

The establishment and the insurgent “tea party” conservatives came together for the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, DC, this week. By all estimates, attendance this year will break ever CPAC record in history. I wonder what the difference is?