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Chuck Muth
  • Born Again Tax Champ

    State Sen. Mark Amodei (R-Carson City) has felt the heat and seen the light.

    Chuck MuthDecember 1, 2009
  • Nuttier than Grandma’s Fruitcake

    Mike Wiley – a Republican joke of a candidate for U.S. Senate and a man genuinely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs –...

    Chuck MuthDecember 1, 2009
  • Ensign’s BS

    Of all the unbelievable flapdoodle Sen. John Ensign (R-Nevada) spit out in his interview with Alan Stock on KXNT radio yesterday...

    Chuck MuthDecember 1, 2009
  • Catholic Bishops & Illegal Aliens

    As far as illegal aliens being able to access the proposed health insurance “exchanges,” the House version of the bill gives...

    Chuck MuthNovember 30, 2009
  • Health Care Reform and the Illegal Alien

    HEALTH CARE FOR ILLEGALS VERY EXPENSIVE: “Illegal immigrants, meanwhile, are more likely to seek health-care at a hospital emergency room, according...

    Chuck MuthNovember 30, 2009
  • SEAL Prosecution Totally Insane

    I still can’t believe this is happening.

    Chuck MuthNovember 28, 2009
  • Teachers Union Turkeys Gobbling for Goodies

    Back in 2003, the anti-education apparatchiks who run the Nevada teachers union used their clout in the Legislature to pass a...

    Chuck MuthNovember 25, 2009
  • AG Masto’s Conflicts ‘R Us

    Following up on our story yesterday about the husband of Democrat Attorney General Catherine Masto hosting a fundraiser for a candidate...

    Chuck MuthNovember 24, 2009

    I wish I could get my friend and Florida congressional candidate Lt. Col. Allen West (retired) to loosen up and tell...

    Chuck MuthNovember 24, 2009
  • Is Charlie Crist Toast?

    The national battle for the soul of the Republican Party has moved from New York’s 23rd congressional district to the Florida...

    Chuck MuthNovember 20, 2009
  • Tax Study Committee One Big Joke

    Nevada legislators on Monday named 19 people to the Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group which will participate in a review of the...

    Chuck MuthNovember 16, 2009
  • What About Joe?

    As you’ll find on the Nevada News & Views headline page today, the conservative business organization Keystone Corporation announced its state...

    Chuck MuthNovember 16, 2009
  • All in the Family

    Without doubt, one of my favorite elected officials in all of Nevada is Nye County Commissioner Joni Eastley of Tonopah. She...

    Chuck MuthNovember 16, 2009
  • Muth’s Truths – November 6, 2009

    The headline over a Washington Post story on the front page of today’s Las Vegas Review-Journal reads: “Gunman kills 12 soldiers.”...

    Chuck MuthNovember 6, 2009
  • Drive-by Muthings – November 5th

    • One of the big new sayings this year is “too big to fail.” But perhaps considering Obama’s lack of real...

    Chuck MuthNovember 5, 2009
  • How Gov. Gibbons Can Get His Groove Back

    So, is Gov. Jim Gibbons toast? In a general election held today….yeah. But in the Republican primary next June? Not so...

    Chuck MuthNovember 5, 2009
  • A Day in the Life of the Chosen One

    What a day yesterday was for President Barack Obama!

    Chuck MuthOctober 11, 2009


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth