Born Again Tax Champ

State Sen. Mark Amodei (R-Carson City) has felt the heat and seen the light.

Amodei famously, perhaps infamously, co-sponsored a bill to raise taxes in Nevada by a staggering $1.3 billion dollars in 2003. His proposal failed; however, a different $836 million tax hike passed that year with the help of Amodei’s vote.

That tax-hiking record has been fodder for Amodie’s opponents ever since he entered the GOP U.S. Senate primary race for the right to take on Harry Reid in the general election next year. And it’s obviously caused the likeable state senator from Carson City a considerable bit of heartburn.

So despite refusing to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge for the dozen years he served as a state senator, Amodei reversed course and signed the Pledge last month as a candidate for the United States Senate, joining Sharron Angle, Danny Tarkanian, Sue Lowden and Chuck Kozack.

We say better late than never. Welcome to our club, Sen. Amodei!

With Amodei’s John Hancock, the only major candidate who has not yet signed on the bottom line promising the people of Nevada that he won’t raise their taxes if elected is John Chachas. In addition, Americans for Tax Reform advises us that Robin Titus, Bill Parson and that UFO guy (Mike Wiley) have yet to sign the Pledge either.


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