Joe Lombardo vs. Nevada Democrats: The Battle for School Choice

(Chuck Muth) – OK, class, break out your #2 pencils. We’re gonna do a little math today. Last week Tennessee became the 13th state to pass a universal school choice bill. It’s a movement showing no signs of petering out – but with a catch. If you want more school choice, you need to elect […]
ICE Crackdown: What Local Law Enforcement’s Role Really Is

(Chuck Muth) – Just some quicks notes about the confusion related to the mass deportation operation currently going on around the country. Arresting criminals is the job of local law enforcement and local governments. Arresting and deporting illegal aliens is the job of ICE and the federal government. Kinda think of it like this: One […]
Victor Joecks’ Attacks on Lombardo: A Spat that Only Helps the Left

(Chuck Muth) – Let me first go on record acknowledging that Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks is a solid conservative and an excellent writer whose primary interest is social and cultural issues. In fact, Citizen Outreach named him our “Rising Star” award recipient way back in 2011 when he was the communications director for […]
Fake News Alert: Ralston’s Deceptive Spin on Trump’s Border Crisis Fix

(Chuck Muth) – My buddy Jon Ralston’s liberal blubber-blog, the Nevada Co-Dependent, continues to burp up propaganda in opposition to President Donald Trump’s efforts to fix the border crisis. Let’s take a look at one of his blog’s Sunday articles on the subject… It quotes Jacinto Alfaro, who said he’s not too concerned with Trump’s […]
Illegal Aliens and Mass Deportations: Las Vegas Isn’t a Sanctuary City

(Chuck Muth) – I still don’t get the media’s confusion and/or spread of misinformation over President Trump’s mass deportation efforts of illegal aliens – other than your standard propaganda media bias. If someone breaks into your house and takes up residence, that’s illegal. They broke the law. They have no right to be there. They […]
The Truth About LVMPD’s Immigration Policy

(Chuck Muth) – There’s quite a bit of angst among Nevada conservatives over recent media stories suggesting that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) won’t cooperate with the Trump administration in its deportation efforts. The confusion comes from the characterization that Metro won’t “enforce” immigration violations. Just to clarify… Metro’s long-standing policy, dating back […]

(Chuck Muth | Muth’s Truths) – Weeks ago I came to the conclusion that the “rigging” of the 2020 presidential election by Biden, the Democrats, and their allies in the Propaganda Press was a blessing in disguise. Had Trump been re-elected four years ago, the Democrats still would have been in charge of Congress – […]
How a Small AI-Fueled Team of Nevada Conservatives is Taking on Jon Ralston’s $3M News Dinosaur…And Kicking His Arse!

(Chuck Muth) – Bear with me on this one, because I’m gonna slip you around the velvet ropes and pull back the curtain on something really exciting for Nevada conservatives. I promise it’ll be worth the read. First, a little story about Studebaker. It’s a name you might not hear much today, but it was […]
The Modern Christmas Truce: A Call for Peace in a Divided America

(Chuck Muth) – It was Christmas Eve during World War I, and soldiers from opposing sides – the British and the Germans – were freezing their butts off in muddy trenches. They were tired, hungry, and probably more than a little cranky. But something amazing happened. Instead of shooting at each other, they started singing […]
The Democrat Race Card: Don’t Leave Home Without It!
(Chuck Muth) – Dateline Nevada. December 13, 2024. “This just in: Nevada Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo supported Republican candidates this year in competitive legislative races that Republicans hoped to flip from Democrat to Republican. Film at eleven.” Yeah, not exactly breaking news, is it? So Nevada Democrats, already gearing up to sandbag Lombardo during the […]
Nevada Conservatives, Buckle Up: A Bold New Media Era Is Here!
(Chuck Muth) – As you’ve probably noticed over the past few weeks since the election, I’ve been experimenting with some changes in our overall communications efforts. I *think* I’ve almost got it figured out, though I’m still playing around with some content generation and formatting. And sometime after the holidays I’m going to streamline my […]
Fatal Distraction: Nevada Attorney General Hunts ‘Fake Electors’
(Chuck Muth) – Following last month’s crushing defeat at the hands of the “Orange Man,” some Democrats remain blind as a bat and dumb as a doornail. Exibit #1: Democrat Nevada Attorney General A.Ron Ford. FOUR YEARS ago a group of Nevada Republican leaders essentially attempted to pay for their political groceries with Monopoly money […]
America Has Been “Red-Pilled”
(Chuck Muth) – There’s something happening here. And what it is, is pretty clear… The Trump Realignment. Some examples… Democrats in Nevada now only outnumber Republicans by 5,875 voters. (Jessica Hill) At the close of registration in October 2016 – before Donald Trump was elected the first time – the Democrat advantage was 88,818. And […]
No Experience, No Chance: The GOP’s Rookie Candidate Epidemic
(Chuck Muth) – A few days ago, I wrote about how badly Republicans blew opportunities to pick up more seats in the Nevada Legislature… “The donors who were directed to give to those campaigns did not get a very good return on investment. They should be furious.” To which somebody named Barry Lindemann responded… “To […]
From the Air Force to the Courtroom: Why Bernie Zadrowski is the Perfect Fit for U.S. Attorney
(Chuck Muth) – The swamp-draining has begun in earnest. Yesterday, Damian Williams, the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan announced he was resigning before Donald Trump is sworn in – AGAIN! – as President of the United States. Damian is currently overseeing prosecutions of New York Mayor Eric Adams and P. Diddy Combs. The current U.S. […]
Nevada Assembly GOP Caucus Implodes Over Leadership Drama
(Chuck Muth) – It took Republicans two years and millions of dollars to flip one seat in the Nevada State Assembly and get out of their 28-14 super-minority this election cycle. It took Assemblyman Greg Hafen less than two hours yesterday to possibly put them right back in it. I know I’m a broken record […]
Dodging the Super-Minority: How Lori, Kelly, and Rebecca Teamed Up to Defy the Odds
(Chuck Muth) – Here’s an “insider” look at some numbers related to the recently concluded legislative races you won’t find anywhere else. Republicans needed to flip one seat in the State Senate to stay out of super-minority status and flip one seat in the State Assembly to get out of the super-minority. They got ‘em […]