Muth’s Truths: March 10, 2017

An important message on an important issue being pursued by our friend Darcy Olsen at the Goldwater Institute in Phoenix… “State and local governments across the country frequently resort to waiving future property taxes to lure some businesses to move into their community. This form of tax subsidy heavily tilts the playing field as a few […]

Muth’s Truths: March 9, 2017

Registration Now Open for “Secrets of High Dollar Fundraising” Workshop Whether you’re running for office or managing a campaign; whether you’re a party leader or conservative activist – or even a businessman, entrepreneur or professional looking for more sales – the Campaign Doctor’s “Secrets of High Dollar Fundraising” workshop is a must-attend. Next Thursday night […]

Muth’s Truths: March 8, 2017

I just finished reading a new book, and liberal race-hustlers and cop-haters are having a cow over it.  Get a load of some of the “outrageous!” things this author wrote… “Prison isn’t a country club, a university, or a spa.  It’s a place where people are sent to be disciplined. . . . (Prisoners should) […]

Muth’s Truths: March 7, 2017

Political Potpourri… * Old but appropriate comparison: If you were handed a bag of M&M’s and were told one piece inside was laced with cyanide, would you open the whole bag and try a dozen of them at random? Ditto allowing travelers from known terrorist countries with inadequate screening procedures to come to the U.S. […]

Muth’s Truths: March 6, 2017

Forwarded by a friend; original author unknown… The Pope went on vacation for a few days to visit the rugged mountains of Alaska. He was driving along near a campground when he heard a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods. He found a helpless Democrat wearing shorts, sandals, a ‘Vote for Hillary’ […]

Muth’s Truths: March 4, 2017

The Democrats’ “Affirmative Action” Candidate for Party Chairman I don’t go looking for these fights.  They just seem to find me. Nevada Democrats are electing a new State Chairman today.  For the purpose of this column, we’re going to talk about just three of the candidates: Owen Carver (white guy), William McCurdy II (black guy) […]

Muth’s Truths: March 3, 2017

2017 Conservative “Mod Squad” Hitting Streets, Battling Bad Guys Back in 1968, ABC launched a new crime drama series called “The Mod Squad” which featured three undercover cops – “one black, one white and one blonde.”  This year conservatives have their own version of the Mod Squad hitting the streets and airwaves. The black conservative […]

Muth’s Truths: March 1, 2017

From President Donald Trump’s congressional address Tuesday night… “We are blessed to be joined tonight by Carryn Owens, the widow of a U.S. Navy Special Operator, Senior Chief William ‘Ryan’ Owens. Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero –- battling against terrorism and securing our Nation.  “I just spoke to General Mattis, […]

Muth’s Truths: February 28, 2017

GOP Poll: Republicans want tax reform and approve of Trump By DAVID M. DRUCKER Washington Examiner The political nonprofit aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is attempting to build support for tax reform on Capitol Hill by casting the issue as a promise made by President Trump that voters want fulfilled. The group, American […]

Muth’s Truths: February 27, 2017

And the Affirmative Action Oscar Goes To… Hollywood liberals, who embrace every “social justice” movement under the sun, got hit with a dose of its own medicine Sunday night as the motion picture everyone KNEW was going to be this year’s Academy Award winner, La La Land, instead was beaten out for the honor by […]

Muth’s Truths: February 25, 2017

CPAC 2017: Trump’s Triumphant Return I remember vividly Donald Trump’s first CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) speech in 2011.  It was at the Wardman Park Marriott and Trump delivered a withering critique of the Obama administration.  Red meat for conservatives.  Attendees ate it up. I remember thinking at the time: If this guy actually runs […]

Muth’s Truths: February 24, 2017

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the CPAC forum… Great flight from Vegas to BWI on Southwest.  Nice new plane.  Got lucky and didn’t have anyone sitting in center seat between me and my 15-year-old daughter, Jenna.  Arrived 20 minutes early.  No line at the car rental counter. Headed to Baltimore for dinner […]

Muth’s Truths: February 20, 2017

FreedomFest – the annual confab of free-thinkers held annually in Las Vegas – is putting together a list of the “50 Most Influential Libertarians” in “politics, business, art, film, media outlets, and in the classroom.” And you get a vote (no photo ID necessary)! You can vote for up to five individuals from a prepared […]

Muth’s Truths: February 18, 2017

Get this…and it has national relevance, so bear with me non-Nevadans. Citizen Outreach is urging the Las Vegas City Council to open up its trash collection monopoly to competitive bidding per a proposed new ordinance submitted to the city this week. You can read my new column on this subject – “Hoover, Ford, Spiegel, Goodman […]

Muth’s Truths: February 17, 2017

Should Republicans Support the National Popular Vote Compact?  Surprisingly…Maybe If you’re a conservative like me, your knee-jerk reaction to any suggestion of changing our presidential elections to a national popular vote isn’t just no, but…”Heck (or stronger), no!”  After all, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton both won the popular vote but lost the elections under […]

Muth’s Truths: February 8, 2017

Woman’s Right to Choose?  Not So Fast… According to CNN, “A new Arkansas law allows husbands to sue wives to stop abortion.” Feminists always say “it takes two to tango” in making a baby.  As such, they’re constantly hitting up the guy for child support.  But if it takes two to tango and the guy […]

Muth’s Truths: Reagan’s Birthday, 2017

Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, together with a coalition of 29 other conservative, free market leaders and organizations – including Chuck Muth and Citizen Outreach –  have urged Congress to pass pro-growth tax reform in 2017. In the letter, addressed to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady […]