FreedomFest – the annual confab of free-thinkers held annually in Las Vegas – is putting together a list of the “50 Most Influential Libertarians” in “politics, business, art, film, media outlets, and in the classroom.”
And you get a vote (no photo ID necessary)!
You can vote for up to five individuals from a prepared list – or write in your own nominees – for each category. The list will be published by NewsMax and the winners will be honored at FreedomFest 2017 this July 19-22 at the Paris Resort.
And as a special bonus, everyone who completes the survey will receive $100 off the price of admission to attend the event. And, oh yeah, I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
To cast your votes, click here.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Speaking of conferences, I’m flying back to DC tomorrow to attend the annual CPAC conference. Among the list of star-studded speakers: President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Ted Cruz, Steve Bannon, Sheriff David Clark, Ambassador John Bolton, Sean Hannity, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nigel Farage, Mark Levin… and Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt.
Stand by for reports from the front-line of the battle.
P.P.S. FOX News anchor Chris Wallace has joined the media feeding frenzy/emotional meltdown in declaring that President Donald Trump’s declaration that some of the media “are the enemy of the American People” has crossed the line.
No. The unelected, biased media crossed the line LONG ago. They’ve been dishing it out for decades. Their whining over this demonstrates they can’t take it. The president is simply putting them back in their place. He’s checking their abuse and putting balance back in the public discussion.
Go, Donald, go!
- Trump Blasts ‘Fake News Media’ Over Sweden Reporting
- John McCain Maintains His Position as Trump’s Top Critic
- Sen. Paul: McCain’s Trump Criticism a Personal Vendetta
- Dan Bongino: McCain a ‘Pawn for the Media’
- NY AG Schneiderman Bids to Become Trump’s No. 1 Enemy
- Reports: Navy Secretary Nominee Won’t Withdraw
- Panama’s President Talks to Trump Ahead of Visit
- Rep. Cummings Confirms Meeting Set With Trump
- Nunes: Flynn Leaks by ‘Burrowed’ Obama Holdovers
- NSC Official Fired After Reportedly Criticizing Trump, Aides
- Utah County GOP Official Resigns Post After Criticizing State Equal Pay Bill
- Dam Trouble Shows California Liberal-Conservative Divide
- WashPost: DHS Secretary Signs New Guidelines for Dealing with Illegal Immigrants
- Trump in TOTAL War With Media, Democrats
- Obama National Security Adviser: He Made ‘Colossal Mistakes’ in Syria
The fact that businesses are closing left and right all across the U.S. as governments and elected officials continue to jack up so-called “minimum wages” is undeniable. So instead of having their wages raised, thousands upon thousands of workers are having their jobs eliminated.
Talk about stuck on stupid.
This problem is especially acute in the food service industry, where profit margins are marginal at best already. And yet, the Nevada Restaurant Association has refused to take a position opposing the proposed bill to hike the minimum wage in Nevada to $15/hour.
Talk about cutting your own throat. Talk about betraying the interests of your own members.
Restaurant owners looking for somebody to stand up and fight against this insane policy change should immediately dump the “surrender monkeys” at the NvRA and instead join me in joining the REAL Chamber of Commerce which is at the tip of the spear in this battle.
“Everything that (Sen. John McCain) says about (President Donald Trump) is colored by his own personal dispute he has got running with President Trump. And it should be taken with a grain of salt because John McCain is the guy that has advocated for war everywhere. He would bankrupt the nation. And actually we’re very lucky John McCain is not in charge because I think we would be in perpetual war.” – Sen. Rand Paul on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday