Muth’s Truths: January 18, 2010

Nevada Republicans began their annual Lincoln Day fundraising events in Ely on Saturday morning, and a veritable who’s-who of GOP elected officials and candidates showing up to lend their support to the local party. Rep. Dean Heller, Gov. Jim Gibbons, gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval, U.S. Senate candidates Sue Lowden, John Chachas, Sharron Angle, Mark Amodei […]

Team Tark Continues Twisting and Turning the Truth

Earlier today, the campaign of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian continued its dishonest DC-style attack campaign of twisting words around to make them mean whatever they want them to mean. Indeed, the Team Tarkanian eager beavers were so filled with unrestrained joy at finding what they thought was a major political muff by front-runner […]

Muth’s Truths: January 15th

Times & Seasons, a popular Mormon blog, named Harry Reid “Mormon of the Year” yesterday. The blog also named Tiger Woods “Husband of the Year” and Bernie Madoff “Financial Adviser of the Year.” President Barack Obama, of course, ran away with the “Light-Skinned African-American Politician without a Negro Dialect of the Year” award.

Muth’s Truths – January 12, 2010

Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Ben Spillman inked a story today which quotes Rainier Spencer, UNLV professor of African-American Studies, defending Harry Reid. Rainier says he doesn’t see why Harry Reid should apologize “other than using the archaic word Negro.” Three questions:

A Chink in Harry Reid’s Spic-and-Span Image

Republicans are perceived to be the party of moral values and when one of them falls off the wagon – or into bed with his best friend’s wife – the cries of “Hypocrite!” ring out loud and clear. As they should.

Muth’s Truths – January 9, 2010

• Hot off the press (hat tip: RalstonFlash): A new book coming out Monday reveals that Republican Sen. John Ensign once characterized Barack Obama as a “light-skinned” African American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” What an outrageously insensitive racist thing to say! • No, wait. Sorry, it wasn’t Republican John […]

Drive-By Nevada Muthings – January 8, 2010

• On Nevada Newsmakers on Wednesday, Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) admitted that Sen. John Ensign’s trouser malfunction scandal was the primary reason he opted not to run against Harry Reid, thus denying Republicans and Nevadans the best possible chance of defeating Obama’s health care water-boy this year.

What a Day!

For political junkies, especially conservatives, WHAT A DAY yesterday was!

Some Nevada Mini-Muth’s Truths

After stomping his feet and threatening to hold his breath until his face turned blue just a couple weeks ago rather than submit proposals for additional budget cuts which he said were absolutely impossible to do, University Chancellor Dan Klaich – surprise! – found places to cut after all. Go figure. Which proves, once again, […]

Rory Reid and the AWOL GOP

Nevada Democrat gubernatorial candidate Rory “Chip Off the Ol’ Block” Reid held a press conference yesterday to announce his proposals for fixing some of the major problems facing Clark County.

Is ObamaCare Constitutional? Do You Really Have to Ask?

While most members of Congress can’t or refuse to answer where and how the current ObamaCare proposal is constitutional – and all Nancy Pelosi could muster up when confronted with that question was, “Are you serious?” – some liberals have stretched the Constitution to the breaking point in efforts to justify the proposal. But in […]

If Only They Had Listened

Way back on February 8, 2009, just as the Nevada Legislature was getting underway, Assemblyman Ed Goedhart (R-Amargosa Valley) sent his colleagues a brief letter urging consideration of four fiscally conservative principles:

As the Ensign Turns

TPMMuckraker is characterizing it as an “ambush,” but any objective look at this CNN interview of scandal-plagued Sen. John Ensign (R-Appalachian Trail) will confirm that Ensign did nothing but stonewall and spin his way out of answering very simple, very direct, very legitimate questions about his ethical and perhaps legal troubles.

Knicker Bomber News

In one of the starkest examples of closing the barn door after the horse is already out, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) now says she “wants no more Guantanamo Bay detainees released to Yemen in the wake of a Christmas day terrorist attack hatched in that country,” saying the country was “too unstable.” Duh. Ya think?

Old Bulls vs. Young Bucks

The Las Vegas Review-Journal ran a story yesterday about the chaos which is the Clark County Republican Party these days, including the loss of about a dozen veteran party leaders who have quit the organization in recent weeks. Who does this benefit the most, other than the Reid Dynasty?