Homeless Figures Don’t Add Up

The headline of the story in Tuesday’s Las Vegas Review-Journal read, “Job loss, foreclosure listed as primary reasons people end up on streets.” Yep, another “homeless” story.

Stage for Big Tax Con Almost Set

Legislators finished crafting their alternative budget yesterday with an agreement on how much not to cut the bloated higher mis-education budget. Which means the final figures for the epoch 2009 Battle of the Budget are almost in place. Here’s pretty much the playing field for Final Taxpayer Jeopardy….

Things We Can Learn from Other Cultures

According to a newspaper report yesterday, “A Saudi judge told a conference on domestic violence at a man has the right to slap a wife who spends money wastefully.” Hmmm. I wonder if the same law applies to state legislators?

Shooting for the Tax Hike Record

Legislators were unable to come to a “consensus” Monday on exactly how irresponsible to be in adding spending back into Gov. Gibbons’ budget without having the money to pay for it.

A Bush Conservative

Let’s get this out of the way first: I like Sen. Bill Raggio. A lot. The problem I have with him today is purely political and philosophical, not personal.

Shhhh! Don’t Disturb the Tax Hikers

Perhaps the most outrageous thing to come out of the 2009 legislative session won’t necessarily be the ginormous tax hike we’re all going to be hit with, but the behind-closed-doors secrecy by which that plan was concocted.

RINOs in the Midst

After this disastrous legislative session, Nevada Republicans need to do some serious house cleaning if they’re ever going to be taken seriously as fiscal conservatives again. And that means focusing on replacing some “bad” Republicans in GOP primaries next year before even thinking about going after Democrats.

Greedy Union Crybabies

Las Vegas is building a performing arts center. Whiting-Turner, a highly-respected, experienced and successful contractor, is overseeing construction of the quarter-billion dollar project. But according to a Las Vegas Sun story on Saturday, only “one of every five subcontracting dollars is going to companies with non-union labor.”

Taxing Unwed Mothers on Welfare?

What costs taxpayers more: Health care costs associated with smoking or welfare costs for out-of-wedlock births? Now if Democrats in Nevada’s Legislature are to be believed – and, of course, they’re not – we should increase the tax on cigarettes to reduce the level of smoking and thus reduce the burden on taxpayers. Hey, I […]

Will They Ever Stop Digging?

Gov. Gibbons’ proposed budget from January is no longer balanced thanks to a continued drop in tax revenues during this recession. But that hasn’t stopped legislators from making a bad situation worse.

New Boob Tube Tax

AB 551 suddenly popped up out of nowhere last week. In short, if you have satellite TV the Nevada Legislature doesn’t think you’re paying your fair share in taxes and intends to make you cough up some more dough. According to the language of the bill, satellite TV companies – primarily DishNet and Direct TV […]

Low Taxes Equal New Jobs: Who Knew?

“A California company that sells more than 1 million vehicles a year online purchased an office building in Reno’s South Meadows last week and plans to launch a data center that will employ 85 people,” reports John Seelmeyer of Northern Nevada Business Weekly. “Copart Inc., which is headquartered at Fairfield, Calif., selected the Reno location […]

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

I support Gov. Gibbons’ born-again reverence for the written promise he made to voters last year to “oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes,” but I simply will not let the guy get away with lying about breaking that promise.

Teachers to Kids: Drop Dead!

Now remember, to hear the teachers union airbags tell it, all they’re interested in is the welfare of our kids. So get this opening paragraph from a front-page story in today’s Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Conservative Senator Sipping Tax Hike Kool-Aid

Word on the street is that it’s not moderate Republican senators who are pushing aggressively for tax hikes in legislative negotiations right now, but a conservative Republican state senator who has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and works for a construction association when not in session.