A Paultard Crawls Out from His Rock
Speaking of irrelevant yahoos, Robert Holloway – a Paultard’s Paultard (and I’m speaking of the wacko fringe of Ron Paul’s legions, not the rational rank-and-file) – is back in the swing of things, taking issue with the Clark County GOP for holding a special meeting tonight to consider a resolution criticizing Republicans in the Legislature […]
Anybody Butt Harry
The big news this week was the release of a list of prominent Nevada Republicans who have signed onto the Harry Reid campaign for another six, long years in the United States Senate. I’m was neither impressed nor discouraged.
Ol’ McHorsford Had a Farm…EIEIO
In a Las Vegas Sun cover story in today’s paper, Democrat Senate Minority Leader Steven Horsford “lamented the failure to pass his education reform bill, which would have brought sweeping change to the education bureaucracy while introducing merit pay and other reforms.” The Majority Leader told the paper that “the state’s flagging education system is […]
Welcome to the Grand Delusion
Gov. Jim Gibbons is still governing in denial, telling anybody who will listen that he was the taxpayers’ savior this session and that without him the Billion Dollar Tax Hike would have been much worse. In a word…. Bull.
Revenge of the RINOs
The battle for the soul of the Republican Party rages on, with the latest skirmish popping up in Arizona. The following letter was sent yesterday to the Arizona Republican Party chairman by our good friend and taxpayer champion Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform…
Political Pimple on a RINO’s Butt
There’s a long overdue battle brewing right now between conservatives and moderates in the Republican Party – both at the state and national level. The moderates have been running the show in Congress and the Nevada Legislature for at least the last decade, and by constantly selling out the party’s principles on fiscal conservatism – […]
Limp-Noodle Republicans v. Senora Sotomayor
Picture Gen. Lee’s army in full battle retreat, bugles blaring, white flags blowing wildly in the wind, hound dogs barking and yelping among the thundering hooves of panicked horses running for their lives with pots and pans clanging loudly as they’re dragged through the dirt, kicking up giant clouds of dust.
Revenge of the Raggio Republicans
Here’s something most folks probably don’t know about how our Legislature operates….other than how the government doesn’t crash under its own weight thanks to all the boobs we’ve elected to “represent” us.
Gov’t Gets Gold, Biz Gets Shaft
There are three things businessmen need know about the 2009 session of the Legislature:
Finally…the Finale
Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford (D-Mining/Gaming/Big Labor) wrapped up the 2009 session yesterday with a floor speech that included the following: “We did what the people of Nevada wanted us to do.” The people of Nevada wanted a billion dollar tax hike? I….don’t….think….so.
Banning Domestic Partnerships Was NOT the Will of Nevadans
The following letter was emailed to GOP members of the Nevada State Assembly this morning…
The Trail of Tax Hike Tears
OK, would somebody please name one legislative candidate who ran last year on this platform: “Elect me and I’ll vote for a billion dollars worth of higher taxes.” Just one.
The $70 Million Road to Nowhere
What the “f-” is up with all the howling and yelping over the closure of F Street in Las Vegas?
Sen. Horsford: Conflicts Up the Wazoo
At the big Barack Obama and the Hollywood All-Stars fundraiser for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at Caesars Palace last night, the president referred to Nevada state Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford (D-Las Vegas) as “an unbelievable warrior, an extraordinary young talent, soon to be on the national scene.”
SB 283: To Override of Sustain the Veto?
The following letter was sent this morning to each member of the Nevada Legislature…
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says he’s a good Republican; every bit as good as Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh. And as proof, I guess, Powell revealed on “Face the Nation” yesterday that in past presidential elections he voted for Democrats John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. If that’s the definition […]
Don’t Read Their Lips
“(Republican Senate Minority Leader Bill) Raggio didn’t merely consider raising taxes,” wrote Glenn Cook of the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Sunday, “he worked tirelessly to deliver the Republican votes needed to provide a constitutionally mandated two-thirds super-majority.”