Assembly GOP Intra-Caucus Blood Feud Boils Over
The divide in the Republican Assembly Caucus – exacerbated last December when Assemblyman John Hambrick sold out his conservative colleagues for 2015 session’s speakership, a handful of magic beans and 30 pieces of silver – has only gotten worse since the end of the session. The feud between the more outspoken and principled conservative members […]
Intra-party controversy flares up among Washoe GOP leaders
Pair of longtime activists exchange email blows in ongoing outsiders vs. insiders power struggle. As the Nevada Republican Party prepared for its fall meeting in which new officers were to be elected, a simmering feud among several members of the Washoe County GOP flared up big time. On November 9, longtime conservative Republican Party activist […]
Phillips Declared Ineligible for NV GOP Chair Election Today
Legal opinion determines only members of NRCC can run. In a stunning last-minute development in the election for party chairman of the Nevada Republican Party – scheduled for this afternoon in Las Vegas – a legal opinion by a prestigious Nevada law firm has essentially declared Nick Phillips, the candidate challenging incumbent Chairman Michael McDonald, […]
Trump missing the target on Super-PAC attack
At the recent Great Debate Debacle in Boulder, Colorado, GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump launched an attack against so-called “super-PACs.” Here’s what he said in a pair of tweets on the subject… “Re Super PAC scam: What the other candidates are doing is a disgrace. … All Presidential candidates should immediately disavow their Super PAC’s. […]
Don’t blame CNBC Moderators for Debate Debacle; Blame GOP Leaders
The Republican Party. The stuck on stupid party. The stupid is as stupid does party. The fell-out-of-the-Stupid-Tree-and-hit-every-branch-on-the-way-down party. The party of such metaphysical stupidity that it continues to allow media outlets trying to make news and make a buck to host Republican presidential candidate debates and pick their own ratings-sensitive/headline-hunting moderators. I mean, how stupid […]
The Problem isn’t the GOP “Brand,” it’s the Ratheads
Nick Phillips is running against Nevada Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald in the leadership election scheduled for November. And while I’ve been a longtime ally of McDonald’s – dating back to when he was first elected to the Las Vegas City Council while I was Clark County GOP chairman – I have nothing against Phillips. However, […]
Bye-Bye Boehner!
While my focus in Nevada is on replacing RINOs with conservatives in the state Legislature – especially in the Assembly – the fact is such a war for the philosophical soul of the GOP is being waged in every state, as well as Congress. In Nevada, conservatives have already chalked up four major victories in […]
GOP Primaries needed to get rid of Bad Eggs & Bad Blood
It’s not just Nevada that has a gaggle of very bad Republicans in its Legislature. Missouri just witnessed a sellout of philosophical principle that ranks right up there with the 2015 GOP-controlled Nevada Legislature. On the other hand, California Republicans, surprisingly enough, are the ones setting the good example of what happens when you focus […]
How Conservatives can “takeover” the GOP
After reading this weekend’s columns by Richard Viguerie and Phyllis Schlafly on starting the conservative “Takeover” of the Republican Party at the precinct level, a number of you have asked how to go about becoming a member of the Central Committee and doing just that. But before getting to that, let me give you a […]
The ABC’s of how the GOP totally fouled up the ESA’s
Repeat after me: Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity. And it seems that even when they do something right, they find a way to do it wrong. Such is the case with Nevada’s new universal school voucher program called “Education Savings Accounts.” Yes, ESAs are a type of voucher program, though we’re […]
Conservatives must take a stand in support of innovation
In today’s economic climate, America’s small businesses are under attack. Not only must they comply with onerous government regulations, but they increasingly face lawsuits filed by patent trolls, who work with trial lawyers to target innovators with claims of infringement on dubious grounds. Rather than create new products and technologies themselves, trolls abuse our patent […]
SandRINOval is “Fioreous” over Tax Repeal Referendum
Nevada Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval’s initials ain’t B.S. for nuthin’. Indeed, if anyone needs further proof of what a liberal, card-carrying RINO (Republican in Name Only) this guy is, gets a load of what he said about our efforts to repeal his largest tax increase in Nevada history, including the creation of a […]
Recap of “Hands Up, Don’t Scoot” Prez Debate
The first presidential debate lived up to its high expectations, but FOX News clearly decided to take an early swipe at Donald Trump right out of the box with its “Hands Up, Don’t Scoot” question. I think it backfired on them. Yes, the folks in the audience didn’t like the fact that Trump wouldn’t promise […]
Trump Fever: Catch It!
If you’re a long-suffering conservative you can’t help but take at least a little perverse pleasure from the angst Donald Trump is causing the Republican Party establishment and the media, even if you’re supporting another of the GOP presidential candidates. For years, the media has twisted innocuous statements made by conservatives into alleged racist, homophobic, […]
“Rejoice Republicans!” and “A Drought of Intelligence”
REJOICE, REPUBLICANS! For the life of me, I don’t understand that angst among some Republicans about the large and growing field of presidential candidates. Republicans should be celebrating this extraordinary and unique field that will, as always, winnow itself down as time goes on. Consider this roster… The son of one U.S. president and brother […]