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Intra-party controversy flares up among Washoe GOP leaders

Pair of longtime activists exchange email blows in ongoing outsiders vs. insiders power struggle.

Intra party controversy flares upAs the Nevada Republican Party prepared for its fall meeting in which new officers were to be elected, a simmering feud among several members of the Washoe County GOP flared up big time.

On November 9, longtime conservative Republican Party activist Larry Green distributed via email a long list of “infractions” he maintains have been committed by Barbara Hawn, who was re-elected as Secretary of the Nevada Republican Party on Saturday.

Referencing a conversation with the Nevada GOP vice chairman, here’s what Green wrote…

In reference to my recent discussions with Jim De Graffenreid regarding the fitness of the current NRCC Secretary to continue in office; I have observed the following infractions:

1.   False assault accusations against WCRCC members by Secretary Hahn.

2.   Failure to properly notice WCRCC and WCRP Executive Committee (EC) Meetings.

3 .   Failure to provide draft minutes to the WCRCC and the WCRP EC within the directions of the bylaws, WCRP EC and WCRCC.

4.   Failure to provide copies of the Approved minutes of WCRCC and EC meetings.

5.   Withholding names and contact information from WCRCC members violating the NRS, WCRCC bylaws and past practice.

6.   Refused to distribute Republican Candidates campaign information in 2014: i.e., Republican candidate for Reno Mayor.

7.   Continually demonstrates the lack of reasonable computer skills.

8.   Failure to maintain and provide a record of the business conducted at the Washoe County 2014 Convention.

9.   Consistently has refused to provide WCRP Fund Raising committees with information concerning invitation address lists and to assist with the establishment of fundraising events; i.e., 2013 Campaign Kickoff Fund Raiser, 2014 Lincoln Day Dinner, 2014 WCRP Golf Tournament, etc.

10.   Refuses to substantiate the disposition of various WCRP properties.

11.   States that she is the sole guardian of the WCRP records while also claiming that the electronic records have been lost.

12.   Denies access to WCRP minutes and records to WCRCC members in violation of the bylaws.

13.   The Secretary either refuses to abide by the WCRCC bylaws or has shown a severe lack of knowledge of the bylaws.

14.   Refused to provide timely distribution of competing 2015 WCRCC officer candidates’ information to the WCRCC membership.

15.   Fails to include in the minutes EC membership requested information.

16.   Refuses to agenize items for WCRCC meetings that EC committee members have directed by vote to be placed on the agenda.      

17.   Fails to assure a clean, sanitary, neat office work environment.

18.   Utilizing the Secretary’s office as a personal platform rather than that of an elected officer to represent the total of the WCRCC. In general has not performed satisfactorily the duties of the Secretary.

In response, Hawn sent me the following on Saturday morning…

Mr. Green has assembled a laundry list filled with unsubstantiated accusations, falsehoods, and outright lies. Some of these accusations, which have been PROVEN to be false, date back to January 2014 when then WCRP Chairman Tom Taber resigned, without explanation, in the last 30 seconds of the central committee meeting, a mere 6 months after taking office!

Mr. Taber’s resignation came just weeks ahead of crucial activities such as our Lincoln Day Dinner, Precinct Meetings and County Convention. The remaining officers had all of this dropped in their laps, with no notice or plans left by Mr. Taber.

Mr. Green makes multiple references to violations of the bylaws. However, even a cursory reading of the bylaws will prove his references have absolutely no corroboration in WCRP bylaws. If anyone has a severe lack of knowledge of the bylaws, it is, probably, the author of these allegations.

Mr. Green’s associates even went so far as to file multiple complaints (from this list) with the Secretary of State. Those complaints have been investigated by both the Secretary of State’s and Attorney General’s offices. The findings of both offices were that there was absolutely no merit to the claims and those offices’ opinions are now a matter of public record.

Mr. Green’s allegations are so unsubstantiated, so ungrounded, and easily proven false that one might conclude he has a personal agenda.

And the beat goes on.


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

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