Muth’s Truths: May 6, 2017

OK, I’ll be “leaving Las Vegas” shortly after I hit the “Send” button for today’s Muth’s Truths and heading out for Citizen Outreach’s annual 4-day Baja Cruise on the Carnival Imagination to Catalina Island and Ensenda, Mexico. But it won’t be all play and no work for this hombre!  No, siree. I just received a […]

Muth’s Truths: May 5, 2017

Remember back in March when the fake news media declared President Donald Trump had “failed” in his promise to repeal ObamaCare when House Republicans couldn’t agree on a plan. At the time, I pointed out that it wasn’t a failure so much as a learning experience; that the president would go back to the drawing board […]

Muth’s Truths: May 4, 2017

The failing, liberal New York Times published a fake news story this week claiming an “examination” of Washington, DC’s school choice program shows that school vouchers “(have) not improved student achievement, and it may have worsened it.” The NYT doesn’t get it. Actually, they probably do…but they want to slant the news to benefit the […]

Muth’s Truths: May 3, 2017

Talk about being able to dish it out but not being able to take it! Fake news outlet CNN, which trashes President Donald Trump on a daily, if not hourly basis, has refused to air a TV commercial the Trump folks put together celebrating his first 100 days in office. CNN has its knickers in […]

Muth’s Truths: May 2, 2017

The talking heads on CNN and other fake news channels continue to whine and complain about President Donald Trump’s rally in Harrisburg, PA commemorating his first 100 days in the White House on Saturday. One CNN bumpkinette actually compared the president to a vampire, saying he was “feeding” off his supporters.  Another said Trump’s ego […]

Muth’s Truths: May 1, 2017

President Donald Trump held a 100-Day celebration/rally in Harrisburg, PA on Saturday instead of going to the annual black-tie White House “Fake” Correspondents Dinner.  And it was fabulous.  Vintage Trump. He started off skewering the media, always a crowd pleaser… “A large group of Hollywood actors and Washington media are consoling each other in a […]

Muth’s Truths: April 30, 2017

From the Conservative Action Project… “Any budget is a series of compromises, between what is ideal and what is achievable. Conservatives know that Rome wasn’t built – or burned – in a day. Nevertheless, the Conservative Movement rightly expected the Trump administration to start any budget negotiations closer to the ideal than any administration has […]

Muth’s Truths: April 28, 2017

Yesterday afternoon, I finally got to talk with singer/songwriter Joy Villa – whose stunning pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” dress was the talk of this year’s Grammys – and oh, what a joy it was!  Her enthusiasm and sense of humor are infectious. Joy’s part Native American on her mother’s side, but unlike Sen. Elizabeth […]

Muth’s Truths: April 27, 2017

President Donald Trump’s promised and much-anticipated tax reform proposal was announced on Wednesday and it’s pretty much exactly like what conservatives have been clamoring for for years. “Nothing embodies the Washington DC swamp better than the U.S. tax code,” noted Richard Viguerie of ConservativeHQ.  “The Congressman and Senators who write it, the lobbyists who work […]

Muth’s Truths: April 26, 2017

The average American has absolutely no idea what the FTC is, what it’s supposed to do or even what the letters “FTC” stand for.  But almost every business owner in American knows exactly what the Federal Trade Commission is. In short, the FTC is supposed to protect consumers from unfair trade practices and foster competition […]

Muth’s Truths: April 25, 2017

In author George Orwell’s literary classic “1984,” the government’s Ministry of Truth was devoted to re-writing history to comport with Big Brother’s political agenda. Such historical revisionism via government propaganda is the sort of thing the Soviet Union’s Pravda newspaper became famous for during the Cold War (won by Ronald Reagan!). Alas, radicalized liberals and […]

Muth’s Truths: April 24, 2017

I don’t know if you can call a dog a “lemon” like you can with a car, but if so, my daughter Jenna appears to have gotten one with Prancer. As longtime readers know, Prancer contracted cancer in her right hind leg last summer.  Jenna set up a GoFundMe account and raised the money necessary […]

Muth’s Truths: April 21, 2017

In a column published by Teen Vogue titled, “How I Feel As a Native Woman When Trump Idolizes Andrew Jackson,” Adrienne Keene writes… “For some reason, under a (Donald) Trump presidency, Andrew Jackson has been resurrected, and continues to be held up as someone to idolize. I can’t even tell you how awful that feels […]

Muth’s Truths: April 20, 2017

Bombshell Discovery: SoS Goes on Vote Fraud “Witch Hunt,” Actually Catches Witches! Here’s another Nevada story with big national implications. But before delving into yesterday’s revelation that Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske has uncovered PROOF that illegal aliens voted illegally in the 2016 elections, let’s set the stage properly… Back in 2011, Wade Wagner defeated […]

Muth’s Truths: April 18, 2017

We are now less than three weeks away from our Third Annual Citizen Outreach Mexican Baja Cruise on the Carnival Imagination!  Couple of notes for those who are joining us this year… 1.)  The Muth Clan has soccer games on Saturday morning/afternoon – and then will head out of Vegas for Long Beach, laying up […]

Muth’s Truths: April 15, 2017

Let’s talk a little bit about campaign contributions today. Two points… 1.)  Liberal do-gooders insist on over-turning the Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” decision that corporations can contribute money to political campaigns, claiming corporations aren’t people and, therefore, shouldn’t be allowed to make donations. No, corporations aren’t people. But corporations are made up of people – […]

Muth’s Truths: April 14, 2017

HEADLINES US Prepared for Preemptive Strike Against North Korea Pat Buchanan: Trump’s MOAB ‘Message’ Delivered to NKorea NKorean Official: US More Vicious, Aggressive Under Trump China Fears North Korea Tension Approaching ‘Irreversible’ Stage Ignatius: Trump Emerging as ‘Credible Leader in Foreign Policy’ Kudlow: Trump Inherited Problems ‘Unfixed in Last 20 Years’ Rich Lowry: With Jared’s […]