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“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

(Chuck Muth) – Author and investigative journalist Mollie Hemingway should have won a Pulitzer for her 2021 book titled, “Rigged:...
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None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

(Chuck Muth) - When I’m training candidates, I often refer to this bit of sage advice from the great Chinese...
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Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

* Ya know how people say, “I hate to say I told you so”?  Yeah, that’s not me.  I enjoy...
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  • Chuck Muth
    Fool-Hardy Legislation

    As the state and national economies continue to go to hell in a hand basket, Assemblyman Joe Hardy (R-Boulder City) has...

    Chuck MuthMarch 12, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Good Bills, AWOL Republicans

    AJR 2 would require a 2/3 super-majority vote of the people to pass tax hike ballot initiatives, the same requirement to...

    Chuck MuthMarch 12, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    The Great Prevaricator-in-Chief

    I know this is harsh, but Gov. Jim Gibbons either doesn’t understand plain English, is a serial prevaricator (someone who doesn’t...

    Chuck MuthMarch 11, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Last Things First

    Last summer, in the middle of a hotly contested Republican primary campaign against a conservative challenger, Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio...

    Chuck MuthMarch 11, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Tax-Hiking Republicans Get Screwed by Guv

    While running for governor in 2006, Jim Gibbons promised the citizens of Nevada, in writing, that he would “oppose and veto...

    Chuck MuthMarch 11, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Raggio Republicans Pass Huge Tax Hike

    Senate Republicans in the Nevada Legislature passed the third largest tax hike in the state’s history today, approving a 3 percent...

    Chuck MuthMarch 11, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Driving Up Health Insurance Cost

    One of the reasons the cost of health insurance is so high is that government forces insurance companies to cover a...

    Chuck MuthMarch 9, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Taxpayer Funded Femi-Nazis?

    “AB185 makes an appropriation for the Women’s Research Institute of Nevada and the National Education for Women’s Leadership program,” writes Janine...

    Chuck MuthMarch 9, 2009


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth