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“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

(Chuck Muth) – Author and investigative journalist Mollie Hemingway should have won a Pulitzer for her 2021 book titled, “Rigged:...
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None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

(Chuck Muth) - When I’m training candidates, I often refer to this bit of sage advice from the great Chinese...
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Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

* Ya know how people say, “I hate to say I told you so”?  Yeah, that’s not me.  I enjoy...
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  • Chuck Muth
    Ground Control to Major Schneider

    Sen. Mike Schneider (D-Pluto) is pretty much out of his mind.

    Chuck MuthMarch 24, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Stimulating Bigger Government

    For Nevada to take some of the Uncle Barack’s stimulus money, it will have to create some new unemployment benefits which...

    Chuck MuthMarch 24, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Seeing Red

    It will be billed as a “safety” measure, but make no mistake, AB 504 is nothing more than a gigantic Big...

    Chuck MuthMarch 24, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Coffin’s Flat-on-Your-Back Tax

    Monday was yet another bill submission deadline, and Nevada’s tax-happiest legislator didn’t miss the opportunity.

    Chuck MuthMarch 24, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Blowing Smoke

    Finally, a bill we can support.

    Chuck MuthMarch 24, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Repeal, and Thee Shall Be Saved

    The challenge for Nevada legislators this session – at least those not hell-bent on growing government – is to find ways...

    Chuck MuthMarch 24, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    A “NO RINO” Resolution

    Some readers have asked for a little help in drafting a potential “NO RINO” (Republican in Name Only) resolution/petition in response...

    Chuck MuthMarch 23, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Winners & Losers in Real Estate Melt-Down

    The Wall Street Journal is reporting that “Existing-home sales rose 5.1% in February, climbing above expectations, but prices plunged again.”

    Chuck MuthMarch 23, 2009


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth