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Chuck Muth
  • It’s the Spending, Stupid

    The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) released a new report this week which showed that Nevada’s generally low-tax/pro-business environment was a...

    Chuck MuthAugust 15, 2009
  • Is There a Lawyer in the House?

    Nevada’s Legislature (thankfully!) only meets for roughly 120 days every other year. Let’s face it, they do enough damage as it...

    Chuck MuthAugust 15, 2009
  • Big Trouble in Little GOP-land for Raggio

    In the last election, Republicans in the state Senate lost two seats – Sens. Bob Beers and Joe Heck – which...

    Chuck MuthAugust 12, 2009
  • Drive-By Muthings: August 9th

    * In response to our announcement last week that former Michigan GOP chief Saul Anuzis and I were forming a Dump...

    Chuck MuthAugust 9, 2009
  • Iron Fist Adds Pair of Velvet Gloves

    As part of my effort to create jobs and get the economy moving again, I’m officially announcing today the addition of...

    Chuck MuthAugust 7, 2009
  • Quick, Easy, Inexpensive Way to Fix Education

    The start of yet another school year is right around the corner and once again we’re reminded that a large number...

    Chuck MuthAugust 6, 2009
  • Political Potpourri for the Dog Days of Summer

    With the addition of Robin Reedy, Lynn Hettrick and Stacy Woodbury to senior staff positions in his administration, Nevada Gov. Jim...

    Chuck MuthJuly 30, 2009
  • The Pale Pastels of a Consensus Builder

    There’s a GOP primary smackdown shaping up in the north for the seat of moderate term-limited Nevada State Sen. Randolph Townsend...

    Chuck MuthJuly 28, 2009
  • Moderates vs. Conservatives: Part 463

    If you haven’t read THIS excellent article – “State GOP prepares for ideological battle over taxes” – by Las Vegas Sun reporter...

    Chuck MuthJuly 19, 2009
  • Seen and Heard at GOP Confab

    I attended last night’s Nevada Republican Party special meeting in Las Vegas where former Gov. Bob List was elected as the...

    Chuck MuthJuly 15, 2009
  • What If Gibbo Appoints Himself?

    Many readers have written worried that if Sen. John Ensign resigns from his seat in the Senate, Gov. Jim Gibbons would...

    Chuck MuthJuly 15, 2009
  • Helpful Senator, Harmful Senator

    Jon Ralston reports on a recent campaign strategy session for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. “At that meeting,” writes Ralston, “not...

    Chuck MuthJuly 15, 2009
  • Readers Write: The Ensign Escapades

    As of this morning, the results of our unofficial, unscientific online survey of Nevada conservatives and Republicans show that 34 percent...

    Chuck MuthJuly 13, 2009
  • The Anna Nicole Legal Mess Continues

    On June 25th oral arguments were heard in Seattle as Marshall v. Marshall – a/k/a Anna Nicole Smith case – returned...

    Chuck MuthJuly 9, 2009
  • Bye-Bye Wal-Mart

    I tend to be a rather loyal customer, especially when it comes to doing business with a company that shares my...

    Chuck MuthJuly 5, 2009
  • Old Wound Remains Open

    “Joe Heck used some questionable tactics to win the Republican primary against state Sen. Ann O’Connell in 2004,” writes James Dan,...

    Chuck MuthJuly 5, 2009
  • Checking in on the 2010 GOP Primaries

    The conventional wisdom is that Republican primary voters are more conservative than the general public and, therefore, Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons...

    Chuck MuthJuly 2, 2009


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth