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As part of my effort to create jobs and get the economy moving again, I’m officially announcing today the addition of two new key staffers for Citizen Outreach.

Elizabeth Crum has been tapped as Vice President of Communications and Karri Bragg is joining us as Vice President of Operation.

Better known as “E”, Elizabeth is a “new” media expert and author of “E!! The True Conservative Story,” a cutting edge blog known for witty commentary and sharp analysis. As a blogger, E earned the 2008 Sam Adams Alliance’s “Blogivist of the Year” award. In addition, she is the co-founder and CEO of Radio for Conservatives (RFC Radio), an online radio station featuring up and coming conservative talk show hosts.

E’s communications know-how started early through her collegiate experience in journalism, and has since grown to a broad expertise in new-media strategy that will bolster Citizen Outreach’s pioneering efforts in this area.

Karri landed in Nevada last fall from Washington, D.C., where she served as State Government Affairs Manager at Americans for Tax Reform. In this role, Karri tracked state budget and tax legislation and represented ATR in press campaigns, policy briefs and testimonials in national and state media outlets. Her published work and comments have been featured in State Tax & Budget News, the Baltimore Sun, and to name a few.

No stranger to grassroots activism, Karri will be integral to the creation and growth of new and innovative programs at Citizen Outreach. In fact, tonight’s First Friday Happy Hour was Karri’s idea.

I can’t possibly overstate the level of talent, professionalism and experience these two up-and-coming political “starlets” bring to the table for limited-government conservatives and libertarians here in Nevada. But don’t get the wrong impression that these gals are all beauty and no bite.

Personally, I like to use a club – but E and Karri tend to prefer more subtle means of evisceration which are often every bit as effective in political warfare, if not more so. Liberals (and RINOs), ye be warned.


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