Nevada Taxpayers should have the Last Word on Largest Tax Hike in history

In 2009, the Nevada Legislature passed a series of “temporary” tax hikes totaling in excess of $600 million.  The people of Nevada were promised that those tax hikes would expire, “sunset,” in two years. Instead, the Legislature extended those tax hikes for an additional two years in both 2011 and 2013. In 2014, the teachers union […]

Conservatives pursuing two-pronged, scorched-Earth war on Tax Hike

Nevadans all across the state are “fioreous” over the recently passed largest tax hike in Nevada’s history – including the creation of a new gross receipts tax very similar to the one Nevada voters overwhelmingly rejected last November by almost 80 percent! And there are two distinct camps preparing to counter-attack in the 2016 campaign […]

Politicians lie, but when it comes to the Tax Pledge the numbers don’t

Liberals and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) hate the Taxpayer Protection Pledge with, as Diane Chambers once put it on Cheers, “the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.”  And there’s a very good reason for that… It works. In signing the Tax Pledge, a candidate promises the voters of his or her district that he […]

Blame guv, not 120-day session for budget slam-and-jam

Freshman Republican Assemblymen Erv Nelson and Chris Edwards appeared on a local PBS community affairs television show recently and advocated for annual sessions of the Nevada Legislature. As if these people don’t already do enough damage every OTHER year! The reason, according to the pair, is that 120 days is supposedly not enough time to digest […]

Nevada taxpayers unleash fury on Heller’s support for Sandoval

If you want to know the real reason behind RINO Nevada Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval’s (R&R Partners) “announcement” this week that he will not be seeking U.S. Sen. Harry Reid’s seat in next year’s election, consider the outrage that continues to pour forth from angry taxpayers in letters-to-the-editor, emails, blog posts and other […]

The Dirty Dozen and Sellout Seven

Republicans this legislative session had 100 percent control of Nevada’s government for the first time since 1929. They used it in the Assembly on Sunday to shove, by a vote of 30-10, the largest tax increase in Nevada’s history down our collective throats and up our collective wazoos. A $1.5 billion giga-monstrosity that includes a […]