Did Gov. Sandoval Order the “Code Red” on Adam Laxalt?

The Democrats’ Grand Inquisition of Nevada Attorney General, and likely GOP gubernatorial candidate, Adam Laxalt over “The Burnett Tape” nevertheless revealed some interesting information – at least as it pertains to how the existence of the recordings got leaked in the first place. As you’ll recall, Gaming Control Board Chairman A.G. Burnett secretly recorded a […]

Democrats’ Witch Hunt of Laxalt Exposed as Klingon Show Trial

In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy were falsely accused of assassinating Klingon Chancellor Gorkon and subjected to a staged show trial orchestrated by the dastardly Klingon General Chang.  Kirk and McCoy were found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. That plot was more believable than the Democrat’s recently staged […]

Burnette’s “Laxalt Tapes” Story Smells Fishier than Shamu’s Tank

Do you believe in coincidences?  Especially in politics? Neither does Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks over the effort by Gaming Control Board Chairman A.G. Burnett to “set up” unannounced Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt, Nevada’s sitting attorney general, by secretly recording a conversation in a private meeting the pair had over a year ago. You […]

Now on Netflix: “Get Me Roger Stone”

Other than Donald Trump himself, Roger Stone “is the person…who deserves the most credit for the Trump presidency,” declares Morgan Pehme, director of a new documentary airing on Netflix titled “Get Me Roger Stone.” Indeed, as the documentary demonstrates, the controversial libertarian-leaning political consultant described by Adam Smith of the Tampa Bay Times as “one […]

The Trump Effect: How to “Fail” Our Way to Greatness Again

A recent editorial cartoon by Mike Smith in the Las Vegas Sun depicts a little elementary school boy showing his mom and dad his report card with a big “F” on it. “I’m doing great,” the boy declares. To which the father says to his wife, “It’s the Trump effect.” Now, this was supposed to […]

Democrat Assembly-Waitress Sets Up Legislative Circus Tent over Secret “Laxalt Tapes”

OK, let me get this straight… A government bureaucrat who chairs the Gaming Control Board secretly taped a conversation with Republican Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt over a year ago without Laxalt’s knowledge or permission, turned the secret recording over to the FBI, which then investigated what was said in the conversation, and determined that […]

Why I Support Judge Almase’s Re-Election

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I met with incumbent Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge Heidi Almase and am personally supporting her in the District 3 general election on June 13th. Among the reasons… 1.)  As my own attorney put it, we shouldn’t kick good judges off the bench simply because somebody else wants […]

Bombshell Discovery: SoS Goes on Vote Fraud “Witch Hunt,” Actually Catches Witches!

Here’s another Nevada story with big national implications… But before delving into yesterday’s revelation that Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske has uncovered PROOF that illegal aliens voted illegally in the 2016 elections, let’s set the stage properly… Back in 2011, Wade Wagner defeated incumbent North Las Vegas City Councilman Richard Cherchio 1,831 to 1,830.  […]

Nevada Dems Deeply Embarrassed by New State Party Chairman

Now, this is funny… Here’s how the Nevada Democrat Party’s “Leadership” page looked before Saturday’s election when Roberta Lange was the State Party Chairman… And this is how the party’s “Leadership” page looked on Monday after the election of Billy McCurdy Jr. as the party’s new-and-improved grand imperial pooh-bah… Apparently, Nevada Democrats are so embarrassed […]

The Democrats’ “Affirmative Action” Candidate for Party Chairman

I don’t go looking for these fights.  They just seem to find me. Nevada Democrats are electing a new State Chairman today.  For the purposes of this column, we’re going to talk about just three of the candidates: Owen Carver (white guy), William McCurdy II (black guy) and Erin Bilbray (white gal). Frankly, I’d paid […]

2017 Conservative “Mod Squad” Hitting Streets, Battling Bad Guys

Back in 1968, ABC launched a new crime drama series called “The Mod Squad” which featured three undercover cops – “one black, one white and one blonde.”  This year conservatives have their own version of the Mod Squad hitting the streets and airwaves. The black conservative is Milwaukee County’s politically incorrect, no-nonsense Sheriff David Clarke […]