Fighting a Patent Troll and living to tell about it

How often can you sit down and have a rational discussion with an extortionist and persuade them to change their evil ways? Ah, but hope springs eternal. And it’s human nature for most of us to believe the best in our fellow man and that reasonable people can reason together to resolve issues and disputes. […]

Location, Location, Location: Why Venue Reform is a Necessity

According to a recent poll by Morning Consult, three quarters of registered voters had little to no grasp on what a patent troll was or does, showing that the average voter is generally clueless as to the need for patent reform or the risks patent trolls pose on businesses. That’s got to change. This is […]

Patent Trolls vs. Modern Day Billy Goats Gruff

Most people have never heard of a patent troll. I hadn’t until a year or so ago. They involve patents, which most of us know little or nothing about. But the “troll” part is easily understood. Remember the kids’ story of “Three Billy Goats Gruff”? The goats wanted to cross a bridge. But a troll […]

Time to drain the Patent Troll Swamp in East Texas

In case you missed the memo, trolls are real … and a certain species of them lives in Texas. According to Lise Lunge-Larsen, author of “The Troll with No Heart in His Body,” “trolls are some of lore’s most fascinating and varied creatures.” “Some live under bridges, others deep inside caves,” Lunge-Larsen writes. “They can […]

Time to Clamp Down on High-Tech Ambulance Chasing Extortionists

Many in Congress have long advocated for tort reform to reign in lawsuit abuse by personal injury attorneys. And who doesn’t oppose protection/extortion rackets where bad guys shake down little guys under the threat of property damage, physical injury or worse (he sleeps with the fish)? Well, Republicans in Congress have an opportunity to kill […]