Medicaid Expansion Poses Major Threat to States Foolish Enough to Embrace It

In a troubling opinion column on Monday headlined, “Medicaid Expansion Is Proving to Be a Bad Bargain for States,” Evelyn Everton and Chris Hudson of Americans for Prosperity note that 30 states accepted what were “essentially bribes” in order to expand their Medicaid programs. “Advocates in Washington of the Affordable Care Act have been fighting […]

Would you buy a used tax hike from these guys?

By now everyone knows that 80 percent of Nevada voters voted against the Margins Tax last November and that Gov. Brian Sandoval’s “Commerce Tax” is just a mutated version of it.  But here are some things many folks either aren’t aware of or are forgetting about the whole debacle. It started when Sandoval proposed a […]

GOP Primaries needed to get rid of Bad Eggs & Bad Blood

It’s not just Nevada that has a gaggle of very bad Republicans in its Legislature.  Missouri just witnessed a sellout of philosophical principle that ranks right up there with the 2015 GOP-controlled Nevada Legislature. On the other hand, California Republicans, surprisingly enough, are the ones setting the good example of what happens when you focus […]

For ESA Shame, the Name to Blame is… Sandoval

In his Sunday column published by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Steve Sebelius makes a valid point regarding the constitutionality of Nevada’s new Education Savings Accounts (ESAs).  He wrote… “Article 11, Section 10 of the Nevada Constitution reads, simply: ‘No public funds of any kind or character whatever, State, County or Municipal, shall be used for sectarian […]

Massive Chamber of Commerce Exodus in Full Swing

I’ve been hearing rumblings that a major exodus of businesses from the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce has been going on ever since the Chamber bent over and supported Gov. Brian Sandoval’s largest tax hike in Nevada history in the recently concluded 2015 legislative session. I’m also hearing the exodus is far from petering out […]

Major League Snow Job Forecast to Stop Tax Repeal Efforts

It might still be hot August nights in Nevada, but get ready for the Mother of All Blizzards! No, I’m not talking about that white stuff that falls from the sky on Christmas. I’m talking about the major league snow job – with a blizzard of propaganda – that Gov. Brian Sandoval is about to unleash […]

Reid teams up with Sandoval, Ralston to fight Tax Repeal “crazies”

Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined the attacks on Nevada citizens who are seeking to repeal the $1.4 billion tax hike passed by the 2015 Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval despite the fact that not one of them last year campaigned on such a tax hike and […]

Propaganda Prince unleashed to attack Conservative “Cuckoos”

Early on in the World War II classic film, Patton, we’re shown the scene of a just-concluded battle with Arabs stripping U.S. soldiers of their clothing and valuables. A pair of jeeps carrying American military personnel roll up to survey the carnage.  As the officers review the battlefield and the casualties, there’s this horribly annoying […]

Nevada Taxpayers should have the Last Word on Largest Tax Hike in history

In 2009, the Nevada Legislature passed a series of “temporary” tax hikes totaling in excess of $600 million.  The people of Nevada were promised that those tax hikes would expire, “sunset,” in two years. Instead, the Legislature extended those tax hikes for an additional two years in both 2011 and 2013. In 2014, the teachers union […]

SandRINOval is “Fioreous” over Tax Repeal Referendum

Nevada Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval’s initials ain’t B.S. for nuthin’. Indeed, if anyone needs further proof of what a liberal, card-carrying RINO (Republican in Name Only) this guy is, gets a load of what he said about our efforts to repeal his largest tax increase in Nevada history, including the creation of a […]