Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined the attacks on Nevada citizens who are seeking to repeal the $1.4 billion tax hike passed by the 2015 Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval despite the fact that not one of them last year campaigned on such a tax hike and despite the fact that almost 80 percent of Nevada voters rejected the gross receipts tax component at the ballot box last November.
In an interview with Michelle Rindels of the Associated Press, Reid vowed to do “everything I can” to stop our tax repeal effort, declaring that “it would be a real disservice to our state if the crazies were able to prevail.”
He sounds like liberal blogger Jon Ralston.
From the AP story…
“Sen. Harry Reid said he’s willing to do everything he can to help Gov. Brian Sandoval’s $1.1 billion tax package survive a potential challenge at the ballot, even though he’s not actively involved in the fight now.
“The Democratic U.S. Senate leader had high praise for the Republican governor during an interview Thursday in his Reno office.
“’Sandoval and I don’t agree on stuff, but we agree on a lot, and I think what he was able to do with that Legislature was masterful,’ Reid said. ‘I think it would be a real disservice to our state if the crazies were able to prevail.’
“While the tax package garnered more than the necessary two-thirds vote in the Republican-controlled Legislature this spring, conservative opponents say it was adopted against the will of voters who overwhelmingly rejected the margins tax on the 2014 ballot.
“One group has filed a long-shot petition to repeal the entire three-part package, while another group is planning a campaign to repeal just one portion of it. Republican state Controller Ron Knecht, who’s involved in the latter effort, said organizers might file a petition as early as next week.”
Speaking of Knecht’s group, it has now officially filed their PAC (political action committee) with the Secretary of State. “RIP Commerce Tax, Inc.” lists the following officers…
- Conservative Nevada State Controller Ron Knecht, president
- Conservative Las Vegas City Councilman Bob Beers, secretary/treasurer
- Conservative former Nevada State Assemblyman Ed Goedhart, vice president
- Conservative activist/radio talk show host Theresa Catalani, vice president
- Conservative Assemblywoman Victoria Seaman, vice president
I expect RIP Commerce Tax PAC will file its actual tax repeal referendum sometime next week.
So the rosters are set.
On one side there’s Sandoval, Reid, Ralston, a bunch of RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) and a host of deep-pocketed special interests.
On the other side there’s our underfunded army of citizens, taxpayers and small business owners.
You know, “the people.”
Which side are you on?