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Johnny O, the “Bill Bandit,” Strikes Again

Yesterday, Nevada’s citizens discovered that Democrat Assembly Speaker John Oceguera had effectively stolen four gun-related bills that had previously been introduced by legislative colleagues and resubmitted them under his own name. In response, Sen. John Lee, a fellow Democrat, sent Oceguera a stinging letter, calling the Speaker out for his actions.

Well, it turns out the “Bill Bandit” doesn’t covet only gun legislation.

Assemblyman Steven Brooks, along with six fellow assembly members and three senators, introduced AB 443, which has already had a hearing. The bill “Provides a deduction from the payroll tax for wages paid to newly hired full-time employees under certain circumstances.”

Lo and behold, Speaker Oceguera is the sole sponsor of AB 436, a bill that “Provides a deduction from the payroll tax for wages paid to newly hired employees under certain circumstances.” Johnny O’s bill is scheduled to be heard today, and yes, the language of the two bills is often identical.

I wonder if former Speaker Barbara Buckley ever stole bills from her colleagues like this?


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

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