What to Do if You Want a New Team GOP Coach in Nevada

(Chuck Muth) – Publicly calling for the resignation of Nevada Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald has really stirred up a hornet’s nest.

McDonald’s “Cling-ons” – people in his inner circle, people on his leadership team, and people enjoying lucrative consulting contracts with the party – seem to be the chairman’s only defenders.

That includes pompous wannbes such as Rob Tyree, who ham-handedly tried to attack my voter registration history without doing even basic research.  Short-stack should consider the wisdom of the old adage that it’s better to keep you mouth shut and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt.

Nevertheless, the bottom line for McDonald’s ouster is the fact that the party has now come up on the short end of the stick four election cycles in a row.

Now, many of you have asked, “If not McDonald…who?”

Well, that’s a challenge.  Credible, viable challengers have taken on McDonald in the past only to be turned down by the members of the Central Committee in elections after Donald Trump rode in to save his bacon.

At this time, no one wants to incur the Wrath of Trump…though that could change in the coming days and weeks as “Trump Fatigue” continues to grow even among some of his most ardent past supporters.

If and when the chairman’s position opens up, there are PLENTY of Republican leaders who have told me privately they’re ready, willing and able to step in, change direction, and do a better job.

But for now, it’s not likely anyone is going to put their name forward publicly until AFTER McDonald rides off into the sunset or Trump throws him overboard.

With that in mind, one self-described “frustrated, loyal Republican” wrote me: “McDonald must go for sure.  But how does that happen?”

There’s only one way: If YOU all turn up the heat.  Here’s how…

If you want to call the party HQ and make your voice heard, the number is (702) 586-2000.

(Yes, I know the Chairman’s private cell phone number, but it would not be appropriate to give that out unless it was publicly available somewhere else.)

If you want to send an email to the party, send it to: info@NevadaGOP.org.

If you want to send an email directly to Chairman McDonald, LinkedIn lists his address as mcdonaldnv@gmail.com.

If you want to post comments on the party’s Facebook page, click here.

If you want to post comments on the party’s Twitter page, click here.

If you want to post comments on Chairman McDonald’s Facebook page, click here.

If you want to post comments on Chairman McDonald’s Twitter page, click here.

Be firm, but professional.  Keep profanity and personal attacks to a minimum…if at all.  Remember, this isn’t personal; it’s business.

I’ll close by turning the spotlight on another major problem facing GOP candidates in Nevada: Political consultants.

In his new book, GO BIG, conservative icon Richard Viguerie – who will be giving the keynote address at our Pastapalooza awards dinner next month – writes about this blight…

“Political campaign consulting is a big business.  Unfortunately, too many campaign consultants are not professional. Most learn by trial and error, working as a junior aide in a campaign right out of college.  Few have spent much time reading and studying about their profession. …

“Democrat campaigns generally have strong ground games.  Few Republican campaigns know what constitutes a ground game, and they seldom have a credible, serious one.  To consultants, door knocks and robo phone calls is a good ground game.  Also, campaign consultants haven’t figured out how to send a 15% invoice for a ground game.”

And with that in mind, one such Nevada consultant, Jeremy Hughes, just posted on Twitter today…

“The talking point that GOP didn’t turnout is a myth.” 

No, it’s a fact.

In Clark County alone – even though Republicans turned out at a higher percentage than Democrats – the fact is over 100,000 active, registered Republicans didn’t vote. That’s the fault of both the party and the campaign consultants who simply didn’t get the job done.

Period.  End of story.  Exclamation point!

Yesterday in Muth’s Truth’s PLUS+

  • A monster conservative returns to Twitter!
  • 3 big takeaways from GOP’s Senate loss in Georgia
  • RNC chair draws serious opponent
  • 2 words on Nevada’s projected budget surplus (no, the f-word isn’t involved)
  • Some silver linings around new Assembly Caucus leadership picks
  • How Republicans actually won Nevada but still lost seats in Legislature
  • The Clark County commission’s latest boner

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“Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the legendary Hershel Walker ran for the United States Senate in Georgia.  He would be unstoppable.” – Donald Trump, March 2021

“The #TwitterFiles are extremely important because they confirm what we always suspected: that Twitter’s middle management worked hand-in-glove with Democrats to shut down the Hunter Biden story in advance of the 2020 election. But Trump’s next move – calling for a suspension of the Constitution – is a perfect example of jumping on a rake with both feet.” – Ben Shapiro

“I remember believing as a kid that our government would protect our 1st Amendment rights at all cost just as much as I believed in Santa Claus.  I guess both turned out to be a fantasy.” – Nevada Assemblywoman Danielle Gallant

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at MuthsTruths.com.  His views are his own.


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