Net-metering for dummies: Explaining the rooftop solar scam
Because of the unrelenting cries of anguish emanating from the rooftop solar industry about how Big Bad NV Energy is trying to kill 6,000 solar industry jobs, maybe you’re thinking you should try to learn something about the brouhaha. But then every time the term “net-metering” is mentioned your eyes glaze over like a Homer […]
Power Disruption is on Nevada’s Horizon
When it comes to “disruptors” – new players in a market that totally upend the conventional way of doing business – I’d have to say today’s top three are Uber for what it’s done to the taxi industry, Airbnb for what it’s done to the lodging industry…and Donald Trump for what he’s done to the […]
I Love the Smell of Fossil Fuels in the Morning!

When it comes to energy, windmills are useless when there’s no wind, solar is useless when there’s no sun, and hydro is useless when there’s no water – a condition Nevadans were recently warned about again thanks to the ongoing drought. Indeed, the ONLY dependable sources of cheap energy remain oil, natural gas and coal. […]