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“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

(Chuck Muth) – Author and investigative journalist Mollie Hemingway should have won a Pulitzer for her 2021 book titled, “Rigged:...
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None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

(Chuck Muth) - When I’m training candidates, I often refer to this bit of sage advice from the great Chinese...
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Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

* Ya know how people say, “I hate to say I told you so”?  Yeah, that’s not me.  I enjoy...
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  • Chuck Muth
    Closing the Tax Hike Loophole

    Hoping to limit the damage state legislators seem to do every time they meet, Nevada’s voters passed a constitutional amendment a...

    Chuck MuthMarch 5, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Have No Fear, Bug Man Is Here!

    Mortgage meltdown. Foreclosed homes. Rising unemployment. A $2 billion budget hole. Choked highways. Failing schools. And yet…

    Chuck MuthMarch 5, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Rain, Rain, Go Away

    Assembly Republicans have unanimously co-sponsored a bill (AB 221) to increase the amount of money put into the state’s Rainy Day...

    Chuck MuthMarch 5, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    A Tale of Two Primary Bills

    Sen. Joyce Woodhouse (D-Las Vegas) has introduced a bill (SB 162) to move Nevada’s primary elections from mid-August to mid-June. Such...

    Chuck MuthMarch 5, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Guv Suddenly Discovers State Sovereignty

    Responding to criticism yesterday by Democrat Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Las Vegas) – who said it was “foolish” that he might reject...

    Chuck MuthMarch 5, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Depends on Your Definition of “Essential”

    “Of course, providing adequate services takes money and that money must come from taxation,” Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio (R-Reno) writes...

    Chuck MuthMarch 4, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    We All Play Different Roles

    “Richard Viguerie,” reports John Fund of Political Diary, “a direct mail expert who began his career after the Goldwater defeat of...

    Chuck MuthMarch 4, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    There He Goes Again

    Gov. Jim Gibbons was on the Heidi Harris talk show in Las Vegas this morning and continued to dissemble about the...

    Chuck MuthMarch 3, 2009


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth