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“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

“Rigged: The Sequel” is Now in Full Production

(Chuck Muth) – Author and investigative journalist Mollie Hemingway should have won a Pulitzer for her 2021 book titled, “Rigged:...
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None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

(Chuck Muth) - When I’m training candidates, I often refer to this bit of sage advice from the great Chinese...
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Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

Muth’s Truths PLUS: June 18, 2024

* Ya know how people say, “I hate to say I told you so”?  Yeah, that’s not me.  I enjoy...
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  • Chuck Muth
    Weighing In on the Raggio Tax Hike

    Make no mistake, state Sen. Bill Raggio (R-Reno) is still the Senate Majority Leader – it’s just a bi-partisan majority that...

    Chuck MuthApril 30, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    All About Arlen

    A compendium of responses to Sen. Arlen Specter switching parties…

    Chuck MuthApril 29, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Adios and Good Riddance to Snarlin’ Arlen

    “Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right,”...

    Chuck MuthApril 28, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    You Only Get Out of It What You Put Into It

    “The Electoral College seems useless today simply because no one has bothered to use it,” writes Las Vegas Review-Journal editor Vin...

    Chuck MuthApril 26, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    UNLV’s Top Speech Cop

    Christine Clark, UNLV’s Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, has been secretly working on a document titled, “Policy on Bias Incidents/Hate...

    Chuck MuthApril 26, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Rahm and Swine

    Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s chief-of-stuff, says to never let a crisis go to waste. So it should scare us to death...

    Chuck MuthApril 26, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Yet Another Tax Hike Flim-Flam

    “A bill (SB 201) Washoe County officials are depending on to fund critical road projects this summer is stuck in the...

    Chuck MuthApril 25, 2009
  • Chuck Muth
    Non-Existent Non-Partisan Races

    Here’s the latest example of why I contend there is no such thing as a “non-partisan” race.

    Chuck MuthApril 25, 2009


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth