As the Constitution was read aloud on the floor of Congress for the first time in history last week, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) “read the section that set out the eligibility requirements for the presidency. As Pallone read the words ‘no person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States,’ a woman yelled out ‘except Obama, except Obama!’”
Bad form and rude, which resulted in the woman being thrown out. That’s one thing. But according to Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Steve Tetreault, “Police later said Theresa Cao, 48, of New York was charged with unlawful conduct and disruption of Congress.”
Ain’t that some $#!&. As Congress is reading the document which establishes that Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech, an American citizen was arrested and charged with committing a criminal act that amounted to nothing more than exercising her right to free speech. Talk about bitter ironies.