Whos’ the bigger liberal, Obama or Sandoval?

President Barack Obama has proposed a new, huge tax hike that will allow him to spend around 7% more than the spending limits in place at the federal level.

Meanwhile, Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval (R&R-Advertising) has proposed a new, huge tax hike that will allow him to spend around 10.6% more than the spending limit in place here in Nevada.

So who’s the bigger tax-and-spend liberal?

BTW, if the governor has his way, instead of businesses getting their state business license fee reduced from $200 a year to $100 a year with the expiration of the sunsets, some will be hit with a new business license fee in excess of, get this, $2 MILLION!!

And yet some Republican legislators just can’t bring themselves to publicly tell the governor “No!”

Of course, if Sandoval had a “D” after his name instead of an “R,” those same Republicans would be screaming bloody murder.


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