What I’ll Be Watching for Tonight

Will professional wrestling’s former CEO, Linda McMahon, prevail in her longshot effort to pick up a much-needed seat for the GOP in Connecticut? Woooo!!!

Will incumbent GOP Sen. Scott Brown hold onto his seat deep inside enemy territory in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts?

Will my friend and tea party fav Rep. Allen West prevail in his newly redistricted congressional seat in Florida?

Will Richard Mourdock in Indiana and Todd Akin in Missouri overcome their foot-in-mouth “inarticulations” on social issues and win seats they were widely expected to win?

Will Republicans and Gov. Scott Walker regain control of the state senate in Wisconsin?

Will anti-earmarker Rep. Jeff Flake hold on and hold the GOP U.S. Senate seat in Arizona?

Will rising star conservative Mia Love succeed in knocking off a Democrat incumbent and win a congressional seat in Utah?

Will Question 7, expanding gambling to the Potomac River shoreline just outside DC, pass?

Will California’s “tax the rich/feed the poor” Prop 30 pass, thus sparking another wave of refugees who could fill many of the many vacant homes in Las Vegas?

Will Danny Tarkanian overcome the tremendous voter registration advantage enjoyed by his affirmative action opponent, Steven Horsford, in Nevada’s new 4th congressional district?

Will Nevada State Sen. Michael Roberson be crowned king by winning the four net seats he predicted to become Majority Leader?

Will GOP candidate Phil Regeski pull off a major upset in Assembly District 41 and give Nevada’s movement conservatives something to celebrate this cycle?


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