UNLV Professor Plays the Nazi Card

As I’ve written here many times, there is no level in this budget battle too low to which higher ed officials at Hyperbole U won’t stoop to protect their precious taxpayer subsidies. Indeed, at least three university officials and the former chancellor all publicly blamed late UNR president Milt Glick’s death last month on Gov. Sandoval’s proposed budget.

So I guess it was only a matter of time before some numbnut professor would whip out the ol’ Nazi card. From Ben Spillman in a Las Vegas Review-Journal story this morning…

John Farley, a physics professor at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, said earlier cuts to the Nevada System of Higher Education already have made it difficult for colleges and universities in Las Vegas and Reno to retain faculty members.

Farley listed several professors who have left or are in the process of leaving, including one at University of Nevada, Reno, who was responsible for attracting millions of dollars of grants to the university.

He compared the departure of professors from Nevada to the exodus of academics from Germany in the 1930s, when the Nazi regime was on the rise and imperiling Jews in academia and throughout the nation.

What an ass-clown. This is what passes for “higher” education at UNLV? No wonder are kidz ins’t lernin’.


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