The Right’s Best Hope in the Assembly

The conservative cream of this year’s GOP crop of assembly candidates is Phil Regeski. But don’t take my word for it; consider yesterday’s endorsement by the Las Vegas Review-Journal…

“Many legislative candidates find themselves confronted with issues they’ve never heard of. And then there’s District 41 challenger Phil Regeski, a civil engineer who has studied the issues and comes loaded for bear.

“He wants to repeal the state’s expensive renewable energy mandates; create school vouchers for all Nevada parents; open public employee contract talks to public scrutiny; leave the final decision on public employee wages and benefits to elected bodies answerable to the public; and deregulate the electric power industry.

“Compared to extremely liberal and ineffective Democrat Paul Aizley – who famously proposed banning the use of air fresheners and candles in public places – Phil Regeski is by far the better choice in District 41, and he’s one of the better candidates in the field this year.”

If elected, Regeski would likely be the guy who could fill the conservative boat-rocking shoes of retiring Assemblyman Ed Goedhart. Intelligent. Principled. Fearless. If only what he has was contagious.


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