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The Chattah Box vs. the “Nazi B*stard”

(Chuck Muth) – Let’s not bury the lead: Sigal Chattah is perhaps the dumbest person in all of Nevada Republican politics – and that’s saying something with people like Rob Lauer running around!

For those who don’t know, the Chattah Box is Nevada’s Republican National Committeewoman – one of the top three GOP officials in the state who are responsible for the royal fuster-cluck known as the February 8 presidential “Chaos Caucus.”

And she apparently got mad Friday when I went after liberal blubber-blogger Jon Ralston over his Twitter posts attacking a pair of PACs that support Gov. Joe Lombardo for providing funding to help me train Republican candidates this cycle.

And no, you’re not gonna believe this one…

First, some clown decided to go after me on Twitter over the name of my consulting firm: Desert Fox Strategic Communications.  He claimed it was named after a German general in World War II whose nickname was “The Desert Fox.”

Actually, it was chosen years ago because we here in Las Vegas live in the DESERT and a good, late friend who owned a printing company that helped get my business off the ground had the last name FOX.

But facts aside, that’s neither here nor there.  Here comes the best part.  Chattah saw the clown’s post and just couldn’t help but drool in…

“An antisemite with deep hatred towards Jews? Someone who should be no-where near the Republican Party. My my, how the truth comes out.”

Ah, but “SiegHeil” Chattah was just getting warmed up…

“Who knew our Governor @JoeLombardoNV would hire such an antisemitic POS to be his mouthpiece. Really @chuckmuth your company is named after a NAZI GENERAL??? You antisemitic scumbag. You should be blacklisted from doing any business on ANY campaign in the Silver State. The @NVGOP will NEVER collaborate with NAZI trash like yourself.”

She later added…

“There is no place for Nazi sympathizers in the @NVGOP FULL 🛑 @ADL – go ahead and filet this Nazi bastard.”

Yesterday she was still frothing at the mouth and huffing-and-puffing, even as I was conducting an all-day Campaign Boot Camp for some truly promising new candidates…

“He’s a f-ing Nazi sympathizer that should be banned from any Republican circles. Get this Nazi piece of trash away from all of us.”

Oh, my.  I hope my mom doesn’t find out!

But as usual, Siggy’s ranting only makes herself look foolish.  Indeed, she makes it almost too easy. Like shooting fish-sticks in a freezer.

Ready for this?  Might want to sit down…

Chattah herself hired the exact same “Nazi bastard” using the exact same business name!!!

That’s right.  Chattah hired my firm, “Desert Fox Strategic Communications,” to help bail her out of a nasty primary fight when she ran for attorney general.


It was during that primary that I came to understand that this woman is bat-sh*t crazy.  She’s got a serious screw loose and thinks she knows everything – even though she doesn’t even know what she doesn’t know.

Which is why I chose not to continue working for her for the general election – which she lost in record-breaking fashion.  Go figure.

What else ya got, Siggy?

Even Ralston Supports Photo ID!

POSTPONED: Conservative Awards Dinner

Well, we’ve had some scheduling conflicts for our annual Conservative Awards Dinner tentatively scheduled for March 9.  We’re looking for a new date in April.  Will advise as soon as new date is set.


“How to Write a Winning Campaign Plan”
Thursday, January 25, 202
Las Vegas, Nevada
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Click here for details and to register


This “Campaign Plan” mini-Boot Camp will cover…

  • District Overview
  • Political Environment Assessment
  • Voter Turnout & Vote Goals
  • Strategic Messaging Grid
  • Targeting & Coalitions
  • Voter Contact Plan/Budget
  • Campaign Organization
  • Fundraising Plan


“When asked why she is running in Nevada primary and not in the caucuses, Nikki Haley says ‘we’re going to focus on the states that are fair.’” – Ben Jacobs

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at  His views are his own.


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth