From a letter-to-the-editor by Art Fahy in today’s Las Vegas Sun:
“Republicans Sue Lowden and Danny Tarkanian should knock off their potshots at each other and run a positive campaign. The mudslinging is old. They should take a page from the campaign of Scott Brown, who won a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts: Address the problems.
“What are you going to do to stimulate the economy? How are you going to attract more businesses to the state? You both pledged to repeal any federal health care legislation. So what answers do you have for the problem? Are you in favor of another stimulus package? Where do you stand on taxes and veterans issues? What is your plan to get us on the other side of our current situation?”
What he said.
Meanwhile, not only does the Lowden campaign have problem with national conservative blogger Erick Erickson and Nevada blogger Mark Anderson, but now she’s in hot water with the highly respected libertarian Vin Suprynowicz, editorial page writer for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, who wrote the following on his own blog on Thursday:
“And by the way, when we on the Review-Journal editorial board interviewed GOP Senate hopeful Sue Lowden a few weeks back, she said she’d favor more modest health care reform that just concentrated on ‘a few things we can all agree are needed, like requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.’ I gave her a chance to tell me I’d heard her wrong. She passed up the chance.
“Sue Lowden is a fine lady who has shown some political courage in the past — voting in the Nevada state Senate to allow Nevada parents to decide whether to immunize their own kids, and to keep health insurance affordable for all by limiting state mandates. She has a big enough checkbook to worry Harry Reid – though at this point I suspect Dario Herrera could beat Harry Reid.
“But I’ll hazard a prediction right now, that if Ms. Lowden sticks with that socialist, anti-business, anti-capitalist position on ‘pre-existing conditions,’ our next U.S. senator from Nevada will be either Brian Krolicki or Sharron Angle. If you want to help cover the medical costs of those with ‘pre-existing conditions,’ ladies, set up a charity and donate all you like.”
The Lowden campaign has done a stellar job on the fundraising side. But on conservative issues and messaging – not so hot. Which is unfortunate, because Sue Lowden truly is a solid, if not perfect, conservative. The campaign better get its public communications act together VERY soon before the Tea Party movement looks past the money and front-runner status and gravitates to another candidate.
Remember: It’s not the best candidate who wins elections; it’s the best campaign.