Teachers Union Boss Furious over Republican Educators Committee

The “Republican Teachers Coalition” is a registered group within the Clark County Republican Party which has endorse a Republican teacher, Scott Austin, who is running for a seat on the NSEA’s (state teachers union) Board of Directors. The coalition has a Standing Committee called the CCEA Republican Educators Committee.

Well, apparently the Republican Educators Committee used the taxpayer-funded Clark County school district email system to promote Austin’s candidacy, eliciting this panicked and furious response from teachers union boss Ruben Murillo:

“It has come to CCEA’s attention that emails are being sent out to Association Representatives via Interact purporting to be from the ‘CCEA Republican Educators Committee.’ NO SUCH COMMITTEE EXISTS WITHIN CCEA. These e-mails are in violation of the 2011 CCEA Standing Election Procedures and the CCSD Interact Acceptable Use Policy and such message should be disregarded and deleted. Please share this with your members at your work site.”

The funny thing is, Murillo used the same taxpayer-funded email system to bash the Republican Educators Committee as the Republican Educators Committee. I guess what’s good for the goose ain’t good enough for the gander. But if you don’t agree, just disregard this email and delete it.


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