The Power of the Pledge compels you!

Las Vegas Valley Tea Party President Mary Rooney was kind enough to invite me to speak at last night’s meeting at the Boulevard Bar & Grill in Las Vegas to give a briefing on the status of our tax repeal referendum. I also discussed in detail the Taxpayer Protection Pledge… Here’s the thing… 90% of […]
Tax-Hikers’ Lawyers strike again
I’m gonna give you just a quick update because the whole family and some of the kids’ friends drove up to Carson City yesterday and we’re heading out to the pumpkin patch at Lattin Farms in Fallon this morning… 1.) Despite Judge Jerry Wiese of the 8th Judicial Court in Clark County hearing our initial […]
The Empire’s Sith Lawyers Strike Back
(Editor’s Note: Chalk the theme of this column up to the Star Wars trailer aired during last week’s Monday Night Football game…) The legal machinations we’re now embroiled in over efforts to simply let the people of Nevada vote on the largest tax hike in history has my head spinning. But let me try to […]
Rumors of Tax Repeal’s Death Greatly Exaggerated

STORIES OF TAX REPEAL DEATH GREATLY EXAGGERATED You may have heard that a judge in Carson City on October 1 killed the tax repeal referendum that we filed in early August and that I didn’t “show up” for the hearing. Here’s one such story by Geoff Dornan of the Nevada Appeal… CLICK HERE To the […]
Nevada Taxpayers should have the Last Word on Largest Tax Hike in history
In 2009, the Nevada Legislature passed a series of “temporary” tax hikes totaling in excess of $600 million. The people of Nevada were promised that those tax hikes would expire, “sunset,” in two years. Instead, the Legislature extended those tax hikes for an additional two years in both 2011 and 2013. In 2014, the teachers union […]
SandRINOval is “Fioreous” over Tax Repeal Referendum
Nevada Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval’s initials ain’t B.S. for nuthin’. Indeed, if anyone needs further proof of what a liberal, card-carrying RINO (Republican in Name Only) this guy is, gets a load of what he said about our efforts to repeal his largest tax increase in Nevada history, including the creation of a […]
$1.4 Billion Tax Repeal Referendum filed
Let the games begin! The We Decide Coalition officially hand-delivered a 50-page referendum petition to the Nevada Secretary of State’s office in Las Vegas this afternoon calling for an up-or-down vote by the people of Nevada on SB483. That bill – passed by the 2015 Nevada Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Brian Sandoval – […]
Conservatives pursuing two-pronged, scorched-Earth war on Tax Hike
Nevadans all across the state are “fioreous” over the recently passed largest tax hike in Nevada’s history – including the creation of a new gross receipts tax very similar to the one Nevada voters overwhelmingly rejected last November by almost 80 percent! And there are two distinct camps preparing to counter-attack in the 2016 campaign […]