For ESA Shame, the Name to Blame is… Sandoval

In his Sunday column published by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Steve Sebelius makes a valid point regarding the constitutionality of Nevada’s new Education Savings Accounts (ESAs).  He wrote… “Article 11, Section 10 of the Nevada Constitution reads, simply: ‘No public funds of any kind or character whatever, State, County or Municipal, shall be used for sectarian […]

GOP excuses for sentencing kids to 100 days in public school are total B.S.

It is impossible to overstate just how badly the Republican-controlled Nevada Legislature and our Republican governor screwed up the most exciting and promising school choice program in the galaxy. The fly-the-size-of-a-cow in the ointment continues to be the absurd and discriminatory requirement for parents of private school and home school students to force their children […]

Frankly speaking for ESA homeschoolers

My Muth’s Truths column Friday blasting Nevada legislative Republicans for blowing their opportunity to pass a better ESA (Education Savings Account) bill brought a simmering disagreement among homeschoolers to the boiling point. In a Yahoo group post on Saturday, Frank Schnorbus, a leader of the Nevada Homeschool Network, described my column as “a full serving […]

The ABC’s of how the GOP totally fouled up the ESA’s

Repeat after me: Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity. And it seems that even when they do something right, they find a way to do it wrong.  Such is the case with Nevada’s new universal school voucher program called “Education Savings Accounts.” Yes, ESAs are a type of voucher program, though we’re […]

Disruptive ESA’s could hasten failure factory exodus

They’re called “disruptive innovations.” A disruptive innovation is something unexpected that disrupts an existing product or service market and creates a new one, complete with an entire new batch of customers and usually lower prices.  “Ride-sharing,” which has totally disrupted the moribund taxicab industry, is a perfect example. But Nevada’s Republican-led 2015 Legislature could be […]