Most media reports on last weekend’s anti-Sandoval dog-and-pony shows staged by Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford in Las Vegas and Reno put the attendance at around 1,400. However, it should be noted that quite a few of those in attendance weren’t protesting budget cuts, but were supporting Gov. Sandoval.
But for argument’s sake, let’s say all 1,400 were anti-budget cuts. Fine. But that pales by comparison to the HUGE statewide town hall meeting held last November 2nd in which 382,350 people showed up to support Brian Sandoval’s proposal to balance the budget without raising taxes. That town hall meeting was otherwise known as the General Election.
So what we’re talking about here today is a small, loud, whiny, vocal minority that opposes the governor vs. the very large silent majority that elected him. I’m sticking with the Guv on this one. Too bad some of his fellow Republicans in the Legislature aren’t doing the same.
After the dog-and-pony show on Saturday, Sen. Horsford told the LVRJ that “the Legislature is going to do what the people want.” But if he’s good to his word, then he’ll acknowledge that the people want the budget balanced without tax hikes, which is the platform Gov. Sandoval ran on and was elected on. Unless….
Unless Sen. Horsford’s position is that the voters were too stupid last November and didn’t really know what they were voting for. I wonder if that’s Sen. Horsford’s position? Maybe someone in the media ought to ask him next time.
Forget installing metal detectors in government buildings; what we really need are truth detectors. Had they been in place at the Grant Sawyer Building last weekend, perhaps we’d have been spared the sob story from one Tara Burbank, an unemployed construction worker who thinks Nevada taxpayers should be footing the bill for her retraining for a new career in accounting.
If you believe Mrs. Burbank – but why would you? – despite unemployment benefits and food stamp programs, if tuition is raised to offset Gov. Sandoval’s proposed budget cuts to the university system, she claims she and her unemployed husband “will have to choose between paying for their classes and feeding their children something besides Ramen noodles.”
“We’re talking about, literally, choosing between tuition and groceries,” Burbank whined. Sorry, but I gotta call “bullsh*t” on this one. And besides, there’s nothing wrong with Ramen noodles. Been there, done that.
John Zetzman, a teacher at Durango High School in Las Vegas, reportedly told Sen. Horsord’s “I Hate Sandoval” dog-and-pony show at the Grant Sawyer Building last weekend that “only four of the 29 students in his advanced placement class plan to attend college in Nevada because they think out-of-state universities are better.”
Gee, I wonder how they ever got that idea? Could it be that UNLV is supposed to be a UNIVERSITY and yet still offers remedial classes for students who haven’t mastered basic high school math and English? Duh.