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Sandoval to GOP Volunteers: DROP DEAD!

The Nevada Republican Party sent a request to Nevada Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval – as well as Senate Minority Leader Michael Roberson and Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey – over two weeks ago asking them to co-host next May’s Nevada GOP state convention and asking for their help in underwriting the cost.

“As you know, Nevada Republicans have a lot on the line in this upcoming election cycle,” Chairman Michael McDonald wrote on October 22, 2013. “As such, it’s time to put the past behind us and begin rowing in the same direction.”

McDonald continued, “Such a show of unity and support will mean a lot to grassroots Republicans who are, frankly, tired of the personality conflicts and internecine battles we’ve witnessed here over the last couple of years.”

I’m told the governor hasn’t only ignored the request for unity and cooperation, but hasn’t even extended the Nevada GOP the courtesy of acknowledging the request. (He got the letter, by the way; it was sent FedEx.)

Meanwhile, the Washoe County GOP booked Gov. Sandoval to keynote their big fundraising dinner on November 18th. Venue reserved. Flyers printed. Invitations sent. Food ordered.

But as of last Wednesday night, when I was in Reno to conduct a campaign training workshop, I heard that no one from the governor’s office was returning phone calls and emails from the Washoe GOP folks trying to confirm the details of his participation, leaving organizers to fear the governor was backing out.

Turns out, Sandoval’s peeps were, in fact, desperately looking for a face-saving way to stiff the Washoe GOP!

And sure enough, four days after a certain #2 liberal blogger (acting like a dick, as usual) ridiculed a morning radio program that was hosted last Thursday by Washoe Republican Party Chairman Tom Taber, the governor announced that he was blowing off the fundraiser he had already agreed to.

“Gov. Brian Sandoval has canceled a speech at a fundraiser for the Washoe Republican Party this month after the party chairman and other party leaders appeared to lament the transition of women to the workplace from a more traditional domestic role raising children,” reported Anjeanette Damon of the Las Vegas Sun on Monday, November 4th.

“In response to a question from the Sun on Monday,” Damon continued, “(Sandoval campaign manager Jeremy) Hughes said Sandoval will ‘no longer be attending the fundraiser.’ Asked if the cancelation was because of the comments during the radio show, Hughes responded: ‘Yes.’”

But that’s an outright LIE!

Little did the Washoe folks know, but the governor’s campaign, either intentionally or amateurishly, had double-booked the governor to appear at a fundraiser for GOP Secretary of State candidate Barbara Cegavske in Las Vegas for the same evening as the Washoe GOP dinner.

Indeed, on October 31st, on the exact same morning as the radio program in question in Reno, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported on Cegavske’s official announcement. Now get the final paragraph of that story…

“Soon after her announcement, Gov. Brian Sandoval, U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., and other top Republicans announced they would attend a 5:30 p.m. Nov. 18 fundraising reception for Cegavske at the Las Vegas Country Club.”

November 18. In Las Vegas. The exact same night as the Washoe GOP event. In Reno.

It’s outrageous. Not just that the Sandoval elected to screw the Washoe GOP, but that he and his campaign lied about the reason and fueled the liberals’ attack on Republican Party leaders.

Seriously, folks. It’s not just that Sandoval has proved to be a liberal Republican and a RINO. The outright dishonesty of his campaign is truly breathtaking, especially from someone who used to be a federal judge.

But this next one really takes the cake…

At 3:14 pm last Friday, November 1, as the brouhaha over Assemblyman Jim Wheeler’s videotaped “slavery” comments was still roiling, the following email was sent to Gov. Sandoval’s scheduler:


My name is Breck Greninger, Treasurer for the Storey Co. GOP, & State Central Committee member.

I am writing to request a meeting with Gov. Sandoval, at his earliest possible convenience, with the Storey Co. Board & CC (central committee).

We would like to discuss the current situation, and the controversy over the recent out of context comments by Mr Wheeler. We, who were all in attendance at the meeting, would like to voice our respectful opinions and offer a true explanation of what actually occurred as we saw and heard it.

I would like to request, on behalf of the Storey Co GOP Board members & CC members who attended the meeting in Lockwood last August, a meeting of up to an hour with the Governor as soon as possible. If we could have a choice of 2 or 3 possibilities we can arrange the most convenient time for the maximum amount of Board & CC members to be present.

Respectfully yours,
Breck Greninger

Sounds like an awfully reasonable request from rank-and-file Republican Party leaders and volunteers for a sit-down with their titular head, no? And they weren’t asking the governor to come to them all of 30 minutes up the road. These grassroots GOP activists were more than willing to drive to Carson City for a meeting with their governor.

At his office. At a day of his choosing. At a time of his convenience. How could this Republican governor possible turn down such a reasonable request from Republican volunteers and leaders?

Here’s how.

On Monday, November 4th at 7:52 a.m., Christina Davis, Special Assistant to the Governor, emailed the following response to Mr. Greninger…

Good morning Breck:

Thank you for your e-mail. Unfortunately, due to the very busy nature of the Governor’s schedule over the next several months, we will not be able to accommodate such a meeting. I hope you have a terrific day!

Are you kidding me?!! Over the next SEVERAL MONTHS (!) the Republican governor couldn’t find time to meet for less than an hour with the party officials and grassroots volunteers of the Storey County Republican Central Committee? Is this a joke?

No, it’s an insult. And an outrage.

Will Nevada Republicans ever wake up and realize that the reason, and only reason, that the Republican Party in Nevada is so weak and ineffective is because their very own governor not only refuses to help, but is actively undermining the GOP here?

How long will the Republican foot soldiers continue to bend over and say, “Thank you, Governor, may I have another?”

I know many are assuming Sandoval is a shoe-in for re-election, that no Democrat can get over 50% of the vote in next year’s general election. And to them I say, look at last year’s U.S. Senate race in Nevada and Tuesday’s election results in Virginia.

First, bear in mind that Nevada is a Democrat-majority state. There are 100,000+ more registered Democrats than Republicans here.

Secondly, not only do we have two alternative third-parties in Nevada – the Libertarians and the Independent Americans – that skew conservative, but we also have the “None of the Above” option.

Now, in last year’s U.S. Senate race between Republican Sen. Dean Heller and Democrat Shelley Berkley, Heller won by about 12,000 votes (45.87 percent). But the IAP candidate in that race chalked up almost 49,000 votes and “None of the Above” garnered over 45,000 votes.

And look at the Virginia governor’s race on Tuesday. Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli lost by 50,000 votes, but the Libertarian Party candidate in that races got around 150,000 votes, enough to swing the race into the Democrats’ hands.

So anyone who tells you that conservative/GOP disaffection with Sandoval couldn’t possibly swing next year’s gubernatorial race into a credible Democrat candidate’s hands – say, Clark County Commission Chairman Steve Sisolak – isn’t looking at the numbers and is seriously “misunderestimating” the antipathy of conservatives in Nevada today.

Get ticked off at me all you want, but I’m telling you…if the election were held today, no way, no how would I vote for Brian Sandoval. Not only is his word no good, but his deeds in trying to ruin the Republican Party in Nevada are completely and totally unacceptable.

If only a conservative like Las Vegas City Councilman Bob Beers would challenge Sandoval in the GOP primary next year!


This blog/website is written and paid for by…me, Chuck Muth, a United States citizen. I publish my opinions under the rights afforded me by the Creator and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted by our Founding Fathers on September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania without registering with any government agency or filling out any freaking reports. And anyone who doesn’t like it can take it up with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams the next time you run into each other.

Copyright © 2024 Chuck Muth