Rob Lauer: Diary of a Master Baiter

(Chuck Muth) – Every now and then someone will shoot me the link to a blog post with a provocative headline.  I take the bait and open it.  Then I find out it was written by Nevada blogger Rob Lauer.

So I immediately dismiss it.  You should, too.  Here’s why…

Lauer is a Pied Piperesque false prophet littering the conservative movement in Nevada who holds himself out as a “reporter” and a “journalist.”  But he’s really nothing more than a “click bait” headline peddler.  And in that regard, he’s actually pretty good.

You could even say he’s a “master baiter.”

He’s also a scandal-plagued (“Metro had executed a search warrant at Lauer’s Las Vegas residence”), ethically-challenged (“…was arrested in Florida on a theft charge”) GOP blogger who’s was charged with “assaulting a 46-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis” at my First Friday Happy Hour event a few years ago.

Not only is this Master Baiter intellectually dishonest, sloppy and lazy, but he also has a serious screw loose.  The cranial gears are gunked.  The wheels are turning, but the hamster’s dead.

And he reminds me of the “This is my rifle” guy from the Full Metal Jacket movie.

Now, that’s just my opinion.  Not trying to make a medical diagnosis here.

The big problem for Nevada conservatives is that Lauer is good at telling people what they want to hear; what they want to believe…even if it’s not true.  No conspiracy theory is too wild.  And too many of his minions accept the guy’s BS at face value without questioning if they’re being lied to or misled.

This Master Baiter is not only a poser and grifter, but he’s doing serious damage to a number of good Republican candidates and elected officials while undermining the credibility of the conservative movement in Nevada.

His “reporting” is so bad that if he said two plus two equals four…you better break out your Texas Instruments pocket calculator to verify it.  For example…

In a recent click-bait “report” (no, I won’t link to this guy’s garbage), Lauer attacked a Republican candidate for school board for having “4 different names.”

But that’s because she goes by both her given first name (Mary) as well as her nickname (Mimi), and has used two different last names (Esposito and Lang) from two different marriages.

Whoa!  Big scandal there!

In the same story, Lauer accused Mary of having “a teaching degree which she never used.”

But if he had any idea what he was talking about (he doesn’t), he’d know the reason she’s running for school board in the first place is the fact that the Clark County School District (CCSD) wouldn’t hire her as a substitute teacher.

Why?  Because despite having provided “two glowing evaluations from two different supervisors,” the district was unable to get a third evaluation from the supervisor of one previous employer because the supervisor she worked under no longer worked there.

But don’t take my word for it.  FOX 5 did a story on her fight with the brain-dead school district just two weeks ago which Lauer either missed or intentionally ignored.  You can click here to read all about it.

And the stupidity of the school district not hiring Mary is beyond Stuck on Stupid.  Indeed, just yesterday the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Nevada “will again consider allowing the Clark and Washoe county school districts to hire emergency substitute teachers who have only a high school diploma.”

So CCSD is having such a hard time finding substitute teachers that it’s considering putting unlicensed high school grads in the front of classrooms while rejecting a woman who has a Nevada teachers license, as well as “a bachelor’s degree in education, and two master’s degrees from UNLV, one that is also in education.”

At least they didn’t reject her for using four different names.

If the facts don’t back up with his story, the Master Baiter just makes stuff up.  He’s a canker sore on Nevada’s conservative movement.  If you click on a click-bait headline and find out he’s the author…just save yourself some time and assume it’s riddled with BS.

Rob Lauer Goes to Heaven…

Rob Lauer dies, goes to heaven and meets with St. Peter. There are clocks everywhere.

“What’s with all the clocks?” Rob asks.

St. Peter explains: “Everyone who has ever lived has a clock here. Every time they tell a lie, their clock moves forward by one minute. This is George Washington’s clock. As you can see, it’s one past midnight, so he only told one lie.”

“Oh” Rob said. “Where’s my clock?”

“That’s in Jesus’ office,” St. Peter replied. “He uses it as a fan.”

The Smell of Fear

“I want to get you up to speed about the state of this race. … Political pundits have rated this seat a TOSS-UP, and every day the outcome of this race becomes less certain.” – Democrat Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, 1/27/22

“My race was downgraded to a toss-up, and CNN is calling me one of the most vulnerable Democrats up for re-election.” – Democrat U.S. Sen. Catherine Cortez-Masto-Reid, 1/27/22

“I hate to say it, but I need your help.  The first monthly deadline of 2022 is coming up quick, and my team and I are $16,519 short of where we need to be. The only way we’re going to make a comeback is if EVERY grassroots patriot reading this steps up immediately.” – Republican Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, 1/25/22

Quick Hits

* In a fundraising appeal, Ozzie Fumo, Democrat-socialist candidate for Clark County District Attorney, invited voters to “learn more about his plans to end mass incarceration, keep Clark County safe.”

Um, how does letting violent criminals out of jail keep Clark County safe?

Election ’22 Update

Republican Joey Gilbert has hit his first major speed bump in his campaign for governor.

Recent disclosures show he hosted a fundraising reception in 2016 for Democrat then-senator, now Nevada attorney general, Aaron Ford and contributed money to Democrat Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom.

Gilbert responded…

“As a lawyer in NEVADA, I’ve contributed to issues & people who influenced the direction of policy ON BOTH SIDES of the isle. As most people who’ve lived here for decades recognize, DEMS have been in power, & Dems come in all shades blue to yellow; I’ll always BE a conservative.”

Reasonable response, but will it sell in Peoria?  Not a stake through the heart for his gubernatorial campaign, but definitely a chink in the armor.  We’ll have to see how this plays out.

Tax Pledge Signers ‘22

The following announced candidates for office in Nevada for the 2022 election cycle have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge promising voters that they’ll oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes…

  • Sam Brown – U.S. Senate
  • Mark Amodei – Congress District 2
  • Guy Nohra – Governor
  • April Becker – Congress District 3
  • Noah Malgeri – Congress District 3
  • Annie Black – Congress District 4
  • Jim Wheeler – State Senate District 17
  • Jeffrey Stone – State Senate District 20
  • Heidi Kasama – Assembly District 2
  • Richard McArthur – Assembly District 4
  • Tom Daly – Assembly District 26
  • Melissa Blundo – Assembly District 36

If you’ve already signed and your name is not on the list, please forward a copy of your Pledge to  If you need a copy of the Pledge to sign, shoot me an email noting what seat you’re running for and I’ll send it to you.


“Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in Los Angeles … or any other crime-ridden city in the US.” – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Biden’s call for Americans to leave Ukraine for their safety

“Rehiring people to jobs that disappeared during the pandemic isn’t job creation.” – Courtney Holland

“When Biden said ‘if you’re having trouble deciding between me and Donald Trump, you ain’t black,’ that’s one of the most racist statements I’ve ever heard in my life.” – Dr. Ben Carson (who’s black)

“Has there been any significant progress for black folks since they took Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben off of the boxes in the name of ‘equity’?” – Zeek Arkham

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at


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