(Chuck Muth) – I wish I could say this was an April Fool’s joke. Sadly, it’s not.
When last we checked in here at Muth’s Truths, Sen. Keith Pickard (RINO-Clark) had introduced a bill to impose a tax on your digital online purchases – including your iTunes purchases, ringtones, computer games, e-books and even your Netflix subscription.
Pickard also wants to impose a tax hike on sports and entertainment tickets that are resold, as well as adding a new tax on your electric bill and on vehicle sharing services.
But he’s not the only Republican in Carson City who seems confused over the limited-government/low-tax policies and platforms of the GOP.
Assemblyman P.K. O’Neill (RINO-Carson City) – last seen in 2015 voting for the largest tax hike in Nevada history – sent out an email this week in which he blasts Assembly Bill 114. The bill would allow electric cars to be sold via the Internet.
“While I support a strong free market and creative opportunities to market goods,” O’Neill wrote, “this is not that.”
Really? Allowing people to buy a product over the Internet is not the free market?
He continues…
“This has deleterious effects on both Nevada workers and consumers throughout the country who would be making these purchases without warranty guarantee or a self-inspection of the property before taking possession. This sets us up for failure almost from the beginning and by taking away jobs from people who need them, now more than ever, we are only compounding an already troublesome economic problem.”
Ah, now I get it. This is crony capitalism. O’Neill wants the government to force you to make your purchases only from a car dealer approved by the state to throttle new competition.
You see, you’re not smart enough, in O’Neill’s book, to make your own decisions when making a purchase. You’re too dumb to buy something online without considering “sight unseen” risks and how warranties will be honored.
You need government to take care of you!
If O’Neill had his way, we’d all still be driving horse-and-buggy carriages because automobiles would put blacksmiths out of work.
P.K.’s misunderstanding of what “free market” means isn’t exactly surprising. After all, he spent his entire 40-year-career working for the government in the Department of Public Safety.
In related unrelated news, Trans-Republican (Democrat who “identifies” as a Republican) Assemblyman Glenn Leavitt (RINO-Clark) has proposed a massive tax hike on heavy-duty equipment rentals.
The “Ahern Tax” is believed to be in retaliation for Don Ahern, owner of Ahern Rentals, not contributing to his campaign last year.
This new tax hike bill from Leavitt comes just a week after he voted for SJR8 which would allow men to compete in women’s sports, shower in women’s locker rooms and use women’s bathrooms. This guy is the worst RINO in Carson City.
Heard it through the grapevine…
* Clark County Commission Chairwoman Marilyn Kirkpatrick is considering a challenge to Gov. Steve Sisolak in the Democrat primary.
* Former Democrat state senator and North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee is said to be thinking of changing his party registration back to Republican and running for governor. Lee has done a phenomenal job turning North Las Vegas around under his stewardship.
* Mindy Robinson, who ran unsuccessfully for Nevada’s 3rd congressional district in the 2020 GOP primary, is said to be preparing to run for the same seat in 2002, but as an independent.
* Trans-Republican Assemblyman Glenn Leavitt is planning to run for the State Senate seat of term-limited Sen. Joe Hardy. The other Assembly member currently representing that Senate district is conservative Assemblywoman Annie Black.
* Republican Jennifer Fawzy will be running for State Senate District 8 against Democrat incumbent Sen. Marilyn Dondero-Loop. As the lines are currently drawn, this seat is a definite pick-up opportunity for the GOP.
* Dr. Steven DeLisle, who unsuccessfully ran for the State Assembly last year, might run again in 2022 but is waiting to see how the district lines are re-drawn later this year before making a decision.
* Brenda Flack (www.BrendaFlank.com) advises that she’s running for Las Vegas City Council Ward 4 for the seat being vacated by term-limited Councilman Stavros Anthony.
* Michael Jack, vice chairman of the Washoe Republican Party, is running against Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald. I think that election is next fall sometime.
* One of Joe Biden’s dogs took a massive dump on the White House carpet outside the Diplomatic Reception Room yesterday. What a sh*tty thing to do.
* Biden’s $2.3 trillion “Green New Deal” infrastructure bill includes, among other bad things, $400 billion to expand Medicaid, $174 billion to build electric vehicle charging stations, $100 billion for “workforce development,” $85 billion for mass transit, $213 billion for “energy-efficient” housing, $35 billion for climate change and $25 billion for racial and gender inequities.
But only $115 billion for “bridges, highways and roads.”
* Social justice warriors in Carson City are bleating for the end of capital punishment in Nevada, maintaining it’s “racist” because 37% of convicted murders on death row are BLACK. They fail to note, of course, that of the dozen convicted murderers who have been executed in Nevada since 1976, nine were White.
In the color-blind society I thought we all aspired to, a murderer’s color isn’t the issue. The issue is, simply, whether or not they’re guilty.
* A BLACK man in New York who violently “kicked and stomped” an elderly Filipino woman, fracturing her pelvis, was out on parole even though in 2002 he was convicted of stabbing to death his own mother.
Of course, had he been given the death penalty for executing his mother he would have been permanently “deterred” from brutally beating the hell out of a poor woman who was simply walking to church
* But if we’re gonna play the race-hustling game, then it’s fair to note a BLACK man was arrested this week in Las Vegas for strangling to death a 41-year-old woman back on February 24. The BLACK man had eight prior arrests “for domestic battery and domestic battery by strangulation.”
Why was this guy out on the street? Our soft-on-violent-crime judicial system is totally fouled up.
* Wisconsin’s Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down Gov. Tony Evers statewide mandatory mask orders, ruling them unlawful. In the meantime, Nevada Emperor Steven von Sisolak declared on Wednesday that “We have no intention of lifting the mask mandate.”
If only Nevada had a Supreme Court like Wisconsin’s.
* Thin-skinned liberal blubber-blogger Jon Ralston is PO’d (when isn’t he?) over conservatives who object to men competing in women’s sports; twit-tweeting yesterday that transgenders like his daughter/son “deserve love and respect like anyone else.”
Um, no one’s saying they don’t. What we’re saying is a man who “identifies” as a woman shouldn’t be competing against women in women’s sports. Duh.
“I don’t understand much about politics…” – Liberal blubber-blogger Jon Ralston, 1/2/20
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at MuthsTruths.com