Ralston’s Fatal Obsession with Wiregate

Caught up in the throes of ecstasy over the possibility that some conservative operatives recorded by Assemblyman Chris “Let’s Make a Deal” Edwards might have actually done something wrong, Jon Ralston, Nevada’s #2 liberal blogger-without-a-TV-show, is absolutely losing it.

In his Ralston Flasher blog on Friday, Jonny Boy wrote…

“That sound you hear is the walls closing in on The Failure Caucus after Metro put out a news release about a search of Tony Dane’s Virginia residence, and the RJ followed up with a story that recapped recent events.”

He then blathered on for three more sentences in the same paragraph and ended with this…

“Hey, RJ, did you not know Dane also was interviewed by Metro in Virginia…?”

Well, uh…duh.  You just noted that the RJ “followed up with a story” about the “search of Tony Dane’s Virginia residence.”  How, um, would they have done the story if they didn’t know about the story?

Ralston followed up that inanity with the following in his Sunday Ralston Flasher report over an interview conservative Assemblywoman Michele Fiore did on her Saturday radio program with GOP activist Tony Dane and conservative Assemblymen Brent Jones, John Moore and David Gardner

“(Chuck) Muth wrote a couple of weeks ago that he and (Tony) Dane had a falling out 15 years ago, and wrote: ‘Dane and I don’t even talk to each other, let alone work together.’  Oh? Then why would Dane on the radio show talk about calling Muth to set up a meeting with Edwards, complete with how the dialogue went.  I wonder which one is not telling the truth. Tough call.”

Actually, the one not telling the truth is Ralston (surprise!).

Fact is, it wasn’t Dane who said he called me to set up a meeting with Edwards.  It was Assemblyman Jones.  But I guess all conservatives sound alike to Ralston who is single-mindedly of purpose trying to tie me in with the alleged bribery/extortion claims being made by Edwards.

He may need to get himself into a program to help him overcome this fatal obsession.


I’m not one of those who believes this Edwards investigation by Metro was initiated by the governor as part of his efforts to pass his Billion Dollar Tax Hike.

I think this investigation was initiated by Mr. Edwards who realized he’d been caught trying to exchange his vote for campaign donations and once he heard about the possible ethics complaint, he then went to Metro in an effort to cover his butt.

I believe he then wore a wire and tried to trap some conservative activists and colleagues into saying something wrong.  We won’t actually know for sure until the Edwards Tapes are released if he was successful in setting somebody up.

I also have no reason to believe Metro’s investigation has anything to do with the Recall Edwards effort in his Assembly district.  I just don’t believe any of the investigators for Metro’s Criminal Intelligence Division or the District Attorney’s office has any intent whatsoever to criminalize legitimate political action, including old-fashioned hardball politics.


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